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"Why You Should Not Stereotype" Reviews/Comments [ 16 ]
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 Reviewed By: DemonandGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 30, 2004 00:42 CDT
Wonderfully horrible ending. I don't suppose you'll write something else like this for other shows, will you? I could use more laughs from fics like this.
 Reviewed By: Abnormal (not logged in)  On: August 29, 2004 21:08 CDT
xD -is long off the swivel chair and on the floor laughing- Lmao! That was another great chapter! And uh...o_o; -doesn't know what else to say- Well...it's a great story! :D
 Reviewed By: AMK [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 29, 2004 20:25 CDT
ACK!! I got the notification email and I practically SCREAMED! I just loved this, it was so funny and true! I hate it when people call themselves 'true YYH fans' and get all the details wrong in their stories. Of course, that's why I'm extremly nervous about writing a YYH fic because I'm afraid I'll mess up. *sweatdrop* But back to the fic, it was so original and entertaining, and I am really bummed that it's over. Or will you make another chapter where they get all these flames- or better yet, where they get reviews saying that people actually LIKED the fic. You know, dumb people who have no idea that they're being mocked or what good fanfiction really is. Every crappy fic has at least ONE idiot who says something like "OMG i luv this who sed it suked ill kill them this wuz so gud n u r a graet writer!!!" or something along those lines. Geez, I can't even read what I just wrote. *squints* It says: Oh my God, I love this! Who said it sucked? I'll kill them! This was so good and you are a great writer! At least I'm pretty sure.... so will you make another chapter like that? Please? *puppy dog eyes*
 Reviewed By: Ryuko [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 29, 2004 19:47 CDT
awww too bad its over, I realy enjoyed it! ^_^
 Reviewed By: AMK [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 27, 2004 15:24 CDT
I don't mean to bug you, but PLEASE update this soon. I hate all the waiting. But then, who doesn't, right?
 Reviewed By: unimportant bystander#12  On: August 21, 2004 16:10 CDT
 Title: ^__^
Reviewed By: Cheery Angst  On: August 17, 2004 13:35 CDT
lovely! i love the way you write. I like the bashing of the common stereotyes. In response to the idea that people who like Hiei and Vegeta have to hate Kuwabara and Yamcha well...Hiei's my favorite character and i like Kuwabara better than i like Kurama. I never really liked DBZ but i watched it anyway. I liked the comparisons.
 Reviewed By: crazydominodragongirl [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 12, 2004 23:38 CDT
LOL! That was great! I like the way everyone's commenting on how they're being stereotyped... and how Genkai's beating the boys at video games. ^_^ Anyway, don't have much time to leave a longer review... This story is really good, hope you update soon! Oh, and as a side note, the italics didn't show up on a lot of the paragraphs for the second chapter, so it would help if you could mark the fanfic in some way... maybe by adding a bit at the beginning and end of each sequence. Anyway, that's all! Long, fast updates are good...
 Reviewed By: AMK [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 12, 2004 23:19 CDT
This is so freaking funny. You rock beyond all means of comprehension. An original idea and liberal amounts of humor. Bash the stereotyping forever. Yay. ^^ You should put Jin and Touya in, too.
 Reviewed By: Ryuko [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 12, 2004 18:30 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
yay you updated!!! ^__^ great chapter! are you going to put the little A/N's at the end of the chapters where they do stupid and very OOC stuff? even some of the good and origonal stories have that... what few there are. update soon! ja ne!
 Reviewed By: Abnormal [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 12, 2004 06:41 CDT
Awesome story! ^^ It's true about how other people have these plots that probably didn't an ounce of effort to think, and stereotype against the characters. But you can't blame them (or me...do I stereotype?! -looks around frantically- I hope not! x_x). They simply depict the characters as best they can as seen from the episodes. I think. Or maybe not. Nah. -scratches her head- When did this review got so long?
 Reviewed By: the sorceress [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 11, 2004 21:01 CDT
(the last three people who posted said the samething) also,you should write something on how people make weird, random pairings, like hiei/keiko. and another thing that has bugged me, was how they did crossovers, and just had the characters from the other story sit there. (ie, kurama met kagome, they told eachother everything about themselves, met up with the others, went into the past, beat a monster, and never saw eachother again, then got back to their problems)ok. just some random ideas! arrigato -kerina silvil-jaganashi
 Reviewed By: the sorceress [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 11, 2004 20:52 CDT
awesome. (you may want to do all the story in italics, it is getting kinda confusing) and i love your story. you really have reminded me of some details i need to correct on my story!(i compleatly forgot puu! >_
 Reviewed By: Ryuko [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 02, 2004 23:15 CDT
great story!!! lol! this is my new fave! connections... erm... Yusuke and Goku are both the heroes erm... Genkai and sayaman both were masked fighters... Trunks and Kurama both... are male w/ long hair? Yamcha andd Kuwabara arn't liked as much/comic relief/ stupid... sorry if thats part of the steriotype thing but Kuwabara is stupid! I try to include him in all of my fanfics though... just because he is a main character. it was a perfect example of a steriotype story! I'm not realy against OC's unless they are in love w/ the characters from the first moment they meet them... -.- its sooo common... ^_^ the most my OC's do is realize that they are cute.... and this is getting to be a long reveiw.... anyways update soon!
 Reviewed By: IYYYHPinay27 (Not logged in)  On: August 01, 2004 23:15 CDT
Awesome story. I think you've got this thing down pat. I don't like how people make the characters sometimes because it just...can't really be them! I don't know, maybe people just make their characters like that because they think that's what people want to see. Anyways, here's what I think about the DBZ Characters! Alright, I think Genkai plays Saiyaman because in the Dark Tournament, she wore a mask and was "The Masked Fighter" which is what Gohan did, going under "The Great Saiyaman". Kuwabara plays Yamcha because...maybe the girls they liked are being "taken" from them by the tough guys (Hiei and Vegeta). Don't know if that's right but it's the first thing that popped in my head. Yusuke is the main character, as is Goku. They have died once before and...their sort of the wacky, semi-sarcastic ones, I suppose (Can't really describe it). Kurama plays Trunks perhaps because...they're the handsome ones??? I really have no idea. They have a connection with "the tough ones" (Hiei and Vegeta) as I have dubbed them (^_^* Hehe...Eh, they're gonna kill me...) Ummm...I don't think I really got it all, but hey I tried! Great story, are you going to add a new chapter? Anyways, I'll see you soon!
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