"Thatz's Quest for Food" Reviews/Comments [ 2 ] | Reviewed By: Kurayami Ryuu [MediaMiner Member] On: October 12, 2004 12:08 CDT Comment/Review: Ow... my head... my stomach... too much laughing... XD That was seriously funny. I love the description of the food getting blown up; poor Thatz! LOL... Is sugar really explosive? If you mix it with something else, that is? *gets evil glint in eye* Hmm, I guess I'm just going to have to mix sugar with every single mixable thing in my house until it blows up... bwuhahaha...
| Reviewed By: Master_Of_Red_Eyes [MediaMiner Member] On: August 12, 2004 10:30 CDT Comment/Review: Ah yes, the long awaited compainion to 'Rune's Quest for Peace' and 'Rath's Quest for Demons'- 'Thatz's Quest for Food'. I think it was well-writen and it has me hanging on what will happen next. Just one thing: WHERE DID YOU FIND OUT THAT THATZ HAS GREEN HAIR?!?! I NEVER KNEW THAT!!! *Of course, I've only read vol.1 and don't own any of the mangas...* Please write more!