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"CELEBRATE!!!" Reviews/Comments [ 23 ]
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 Title: V.E.P.- Gundam Force Triple Attack
Reviewed By: Juju Worm  On: February 28, 2009 14:32 CST
HAHAHA!! I loved that fanfic and this line!! XD "Dark Axis becomes extinct, I get promoted to Chief officer, and Shute vows eternal love to me?"
 Reviewed By: DragoneyesBC~not logged in~  On: June 07, 2005 13:28 CDT
Awwww that was so cute!! ^__^
 Reviewed By: FennFeatherDragon [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 24, 2005 17:18 CDT
Well that was a suprise. You did not offend me. I have to say that was unexpected. Thanks for telling everyone that Fleur is own by me.
 Reviewed By: RW  On: October 29, 2004 17:05 CDT
Oh, hey thanx ME! ^^; See melady? u r loved!! ^^;;;
 Reviewed By: M.E.  On: October 29, 2004 17:01 CDT
Fan of Melady 101. She told me to check out your story . Enjoyed reading it.
 Reviewed By: M.E.  On: October 29, 2004 17:00 CDT
 Reviewed By: M.E.  On: October 29, 2004 17:00 CDT
 Reviewed By: RW  On: October 28, 2004 13:45 CDT
^-^ Glad ya' liked it, melady. Dun worry, we love all of our newbies! Ain't that right Whitetail n' Charon? *hug* No feelz bad about people not reviewing, Charon doesn't get too much time at mm.org, Whitetail is fairly lazy/in a coma, and DE has been grounded for a while (even though she's a partial newb...9.9;;). I have no clue where GD, Kirin, Raven, and Kai have gotten off to....:( just pray they will come back when the second season starts up, hopefully soon.
 Title: Chapter 6
Reviewed By: melady101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 28, 2004 13:34 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I loved this chapter. It sounded like what I was originaly going to write without the singing, but that is still awsome. At first I thought nobody really liked my stroies, but I guess I was wrong. Great job and keep up the good work.
 Reviewed By: May-VeggieGirl1 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 15, 2004 18:35 CDT
Lol, yup, they probably would say that. X] But couldja' still vote?? I'm stuck between the two DE and Lolly voted for...v.v;;;; But u could vote for any of them.
 Title: I've had to put up with a lot...
Reviewed By: Charon the Sabercat  On: October 15, 2004 17:30 CDT
Anything can be good, but it's hard by my standards to be really GREAT. So far, I haven't found a really GREAT yet, so you're a "better than the above average person", which is pretty high. I can't imagine the Gundam guys would like you very much, though. Zero: She think's I'm perverted.... Shute: And she think's I'm a waste of letters! Me: Hey, I'm just saying what I think they might say. Later.
 Reviewed By: May-VeggieGirl1 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 13, 2004 19:40 CDT
Wow, a perfect ten in Charon's book? The world definatly IS coming to an end! Lol, gomenasi Charon. It might be just me, but you seem to be a hard customer to please. ^^;;; I used your style of writing for the Before I Forget That chapter. I'll get a link to the song, even though it's a pretty hard song. ^^;;;;
 Title: COOL!
Reviewed By: Charon the Sabercat  On: October 13, 2004 17:26 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
These are beautiful! I love these stories! They're not over the top, or random to the point of being boring, they're just... GREAT! 10's all over! P.S.: I love the music "video" chapter. Don't know the song, but it's still cool.
 Reviewed By: DragoneyesBC [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 13, 2004 16:26 CDT
Taishi: "You coming or not?" Nueva: "I don't need your help to get out of here!!" Taishi: "Alright then, whatever you say..." Nueva: "......... Wait! Come back! Could you do me a favor and unlock the bars?!... Please???... Okay, I need your help, are you happy now?!?!?" hehe I like that one.........I like it alot. hehehehehe
 Reviewed By: DragoneyesBC [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 13, 2004 16:16 CDT
What a very interseting way to defeat the dark axis. If that were a way in life I would be undefeated...........and so would they ^^;
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