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"Yami Bakura: Advice Giver" Reviews/Comments [ 27 ]
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 Reviewed By: Tsuki Ishtar [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 15, 2006 09:08 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Dear Yami Bakura, or as I call you, Kura-Yami. ^^;; I was wondering...I have this friend that's trying to steal my girlfriend...what should I do? T.T I mean I've asked the Baka Pharaoh and he didn't help very much...neither did my brother (Malik Ishtar) so, what should I do?!?!? Kura-Yami you're my last hope, and if ya give me good advice I'll help ya kill the stupid Pharaoh...-.- That jerk! Anyway, what would -you- do if someone was trying to steal away a person you loved most? Arigato for hearing me out, ~ T s u k i I s h t a r ~
 Reviewed By: Kelpy  On: September 18, 2005 10:42 CDT
Dear Yami Bakura, Or as I prefer to call you, Baku-Baku, I am in need of advice. My sister is a spoiled brat, and when I tell her to shut up so I can watch my Yu-Gi-Oh! episodes with the Almighty King Of Thieves, aka you, she won't. Is there an extremely painful way I can make her be quiet so that I can watch the greatness that is you? I don't want her dead, I just want her in so much agony that she can not speak for three hours. Oh and enclosed in this letter for you is a box of explosives and a really pretty dagger I got for my birthday covered in gold and jewles, and it's three feet long. Tis my most precious belonging so please treat it nicely, this item. And for Spindle, I mean Ryou, I have enclosed a box of candy and some pocky. DOh, and Yami Bakura, would you come to my school tomorrow? We have exactly 1299 people who need to go to the Shadow Realm. ^-~ Signed, Kelpy, Master of Chaos and Ruler of Kelp.
 Reviewed By: GothGirlElle [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 18, 2005 08:03 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Dear Bakura-sama, the stupid preps at my school are always mocking me because I'm goth and not a satanist -_-. Because I'm Bi they're always going: 'Are you a lesbian?' in these really high-pitched, annoying voices that make me want to rip their throats out. Should I go with this urge or stick to the traditional method amongst my friends and I and stick a few dead frogs, sour milk and rats in their lockers? I'd use my brother's collection of swords...but preps tend to scream just a bit TOO much, ya know? Enclosed are some chocolates and roses for Ryou, as well as a plane ticket to my house so he can stay with me ^_^ And for you, my favorite thief, blueprints on how to get the Sennen Items, a new set of Flamthrowers, a Samarai sword and a Bazooka. -Elle
 Title: I Need Advice....
Reviewed By: EvilDude666  On: April 15, 2005 19:39 CDT
I know a kid who has a crush on someone and I want them to stop! What the heck should I do to the kid they have a crush on!?
 Reviewed By: Ryoku's Yami  On: April 09, 2005 17:39 CDT
-evil grin- That actually gave me many ideas.Thank you. With this letter there are presents for you and one for Ryou. (many sharp objects and a gun) If you don't know how to use a gun yet......try it on Ryou...He'll be good for training. and for ryou.....here, a teddy bear (with a bomb no one knows about, won't kill him. just a smoke bomb)-evil laughter- I'll start right away with the.......torture. It'll be fun.-evil laughter- I'll look other tortureous stuff on other letters you recieve.-laughs- ~Queen of Torture and Queen of Theives:Jasmine
 Reviewed By: peachgirl [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 08, 2005 18:29 CDT
Dear Yami Bakura, I'm glad you consider me a friend. I can see how getting the Millenium Items can be sort of a challenge. On to other matters... if you were referring to Ryou in your letter I'd be happy to take him off your hands for a while. Now, I have a question that concerns what may be a touchy subject: romance. Rumors again, how they work their magic, making lives miserable. The point is: I don't like the guy. I've told everyone that a million times. How do I get everyone to shut up?!? (I can't kill them, I just can't.) --Peach P.S. Alchohol= big no no. You ever try robbing somewhere while drunk? You don't ever want to. All it leads to is trouble. As for a lighter, pft. Flamethrowers are much more efficient. (enclosed is one for you) Ryou, don't think I forgot you, there is a huge box of chocolates for you as well.
 Reviewed By: Sakota [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 07, 2005 17:54 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Dear great King of Thieves, I need help trying to get peaple to stay away from me (they don't get that I'm teying to avoud them) Every selfrespecting baddy don't have friends and they don't get that I'm not humen eather can't they leave me alone. and a baka boy likes me aaaa helloo I'm 1000 years old even thow I look 13. Please help me give me tips on how to get them away, and how to get my Abdou and her brother away from me to. From,Sakota
 Reviewed By: Esthern'Era_guardiansofchaos  On: April 07, 2005 17:43 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hey Bakura, there's this total preppy weakling of a b**** at my school who thinks she's all that and turns almost everyone against me. Can you find me the most painful and stretched out idea you can think of? ~Esther Yo King of Thieves, I've got a freakish stalker that keeps trying to steal my Item. The blonde idiot left a red cloak behind. Is it yours? Oh, and how the hell do I get rid of him! Era (thanks! Enclosed is a grenade and katana for Bakura, a random plushie for Ryou, and chocolates for the author and Sami. Keep away from Ryou. I'm afraid he'll become sugar high. )
 Reviewed By: alonegirl_34 (damn log in)  On: April 07, 2005 16:06 CDT
Dear Your Supreme and Utter Sexiness, I need to hurt all of the people that call my guy friend gay. I was wondering if you could help me by supplying a chainsaw, a live chicken, and a weedwhacker. If at all possible. But other than that, If you want to come and watch all of this happen your welcome to come to my school ^_^ . Much thanks ~alonegirl_34 Oh and Ryou and Danielle can help with this part. I've told another guy I like him abouy 5 times now but he doesn't quite get the consept. Any Advice? Thanks
 Reviewed By: Lily Fairy (not logged in)  On: April 07, 2005 14:49 CDT
Dear Yami Bakura, I have a very annoying teacher that thinks he's the coolest person in the world. He sings Backstreet Boys and *NSYNC all the time and it gets annoying. Just before spring break he was breaking down because he said he would miss us. He also won't shut up about his 'adorable' baby and his 'beautiful' French wife. NO ONE GIVES A DAMN! Please give me the most painful and most torturous punishment for him. ~Lily Side note to Danielle: My problem's real...unfortunetly...
 Reviewed By: Yenchna and Kentuski [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 06, 2005 14:53 CDT
Dear Yami Bakura, Everyday when I want to cross the street to go to school, there's always this fat, obese, elderly woman in the way with a cane. When I -try- to go around her, she whacks me with it! What can I do? I don't want to get ran over by the cars or getting beat up by an elderly woman! Anything I can do without getting caught by the cops? Sincerely yours, …I want revenge…
 Reviewed By: Yenchna and Kentuski [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 05, 2005 17:14 CDT
Wow. Yami Bakura is becoming one of my fav characters at this rate from reading all these letters! xD I hope you continue to get good ideas for all of them. ^_^ They're great! ~kentuski
 Reviewed By: Yenchna and Kentuski [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 05, 2005 17:04 CDT
Wow! xD The first letters were my fav! This is a great idea! Haha, Yami Bakura giving advice! Priceless! ^_^ These are really funny! ~Kentuski
 Reviewed By: blackkitsuneRyoku's tears. (lol. I added on to my name)  On: February 19, 2005 18:46 CST
Dear Yami Bakura, The prep at school and her friend is getting on my nerves and hurting me (emotionaly) a lot. I ignored them and told and it is not working. I want advice. Could you give me violent and non-violent advice please. -Ryoku
 Reviewed By: peachgirl [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 20, 2005 16:29 CST
Whoops double review... didn't meant that.
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