Title: Dragon and Sword Master Reviewed By: Dragon and Sword Master [MediaMiner Member] On: January 04, 2005 20:55 CST Comment/Review: You're kidding, I can't be the first one to review this awesome story that you have here Daniel. This is a good Mai/Yugi, and you had a good idea with the atlantic god that they had to battle afterwards as well. I wasn't kidding when I said that I'm surprised that no one else had reviewed this, since this has to be one of your best songfics that you have written so far, and I've seen all of your fanfics, including the ones that you haven't finished (hint hint) anyways, I wouldn't mind doing that Space Jam crossover if you're still up to the challenge. I must admit that you are my favorite author, and I love to see new chapters or stories from the likes of you, and if it wasn't for you, then I would have never joined this site or fanfiction.net! Think of that, but don't let it go to your head my friend.