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"The Shadow's Nose and other GW Parodies" Reviews/Comments [ 2 ]
 Reviewed By: Zowe [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 26, 2002 22:17 CST
Awesome fic, you wrote all the sterotypes perfectly. This has to be one of the funniest fics I've ever read.
 Reviewed By: Kaori  On: November 04, 2001 20:07 CST
You two are nuts, that's all there is too it. If you were serious about the katana question then the answer lies within the reason for the Wufei-weilding-katana cliche.
In that episode where Wufei first encounters Treize on a ship (while Heero and Duo are blowing up stuff) he duals Treie with a particular type of sword: a katana. As for why it's called a katana in the first place. I honestly dunno. I guess the ancient samurais and ninjas thought it sounded cool.
If you weren't serious about the katana question, ignore the previous explanation. Funny fic, I couldn't stop laughing. (In fact I'm STILL laughing while I write this review!)

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