"Sweet Alabaster (Kanon x Saga - Saint Seiya)" Reviews/Comments [ 2 ] | Title: WHAOU!OwO Reviewed By: Esthe On: March 13, 2005 10:51 CST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Whaou!! J'ai... quand meme pas pu mettre 10 partout, passke rien a faire, j'etais un petit peu genee par le twincest^^; ... Quoique.. il ne se passe rien, a part quelques papouilles un peu poussees^^; Du coup, je ne regrette pas ma lecture, pas du tout, meme!!Ton Saga est si fragile, si emouvant, si hante par son passe, a lui et a son frere, que quand il arrete Kanon en versant cette unique larme, j'en ai eu les larmes aux yeux aussi.Quant a Kanon... manipulateur, certes, mais pas au point de trahir voire detruire son frere.Chacun de ses gestes tendres comme brulants est minutieusement decrit, comme leurs pensees a tous les deux, la facon qu'ils ont de lire dans les reactions de l'autre, dans son coeur et sa souffrance aussi... Ta fic est aussi psychologique que lemon (ou plutot, lime^^), a mon sens, elle est tres profonde, tres marquante aussi.Tu ecris vraiment tres bien, et en plus dans une langue qui n'est pas ta langue maternelle, c'est stupefiant!Bravo, voila un KanonxSaga qui fait honneur a nos jumeaux.On a vraiment envie de les voir trouver le bonheur, et pour Saga, un equilibre qui lui fait cruellement defaut.Certainement Kanon saura-t-il comment lui apporter ce dont il a besoin.Instinctivement. Bisous et a bientot j'espere!! Esthe^^ (toute remuee)
| Reviewed By: Shadow Arashi [MediaMiner Member] On: March 13, 2005 03:25 CST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 8 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 8 of 10 Overall Rating: 8 of 10 Comment/Review: Hi! I just saw your review on my fic Reflection and I went to check on your fic. ^^ First thank you for your review, it was very appreciated and helpful! I will keep in mind the 's' thing, damn dumb spellchecker keeps wanting to put it everywhere. O_o Now about your fic: it has a very nice style, it flows and is easy to read (in a good way). I can't tell about spelling/grammar since I'm having some troubles with it. ^^;; It was very sweet and I love the way the twins interact as well as the whole "deserving of pain" topic. Also kudos for your descriptions when Kanon explores his twin's body! I wish I could write so much on that without sounding repeatitive. I hope to read more of you soon! Personally I'm a SagaxKanon fan instead of a KanonxSaga because I love Kanon uke, but it was sweet anyway. I'm planning more fics and if only one has some SagaxKanon in it for now, I will make sure to write more SagaxKanon! I hope you will like them too. ^_~ Good luck and keep writing, it is very promising!