Title: Full of regrets Reviewed By: swasdiva On: March 16, 2005 00:03 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 9 of 10 Comment/Review: I'll be honest, I don't quite know what to make of the ending. I'm a bit confused as to what is going on. Did Kouga leave her behind? Did she only go with him hoping it would prompt Inuyasha to come after her? Is that why her hopes were dashed? Did she fall and die (?) because she wanted to or is that the ironic twist, that a haphazard accident kills her in the midst of her regret? Again, your use of sparse yet heavy language to create a depth of mood and space is unparalleled, and the melancholy between Kouga's intentions and Kagome's wavering affections is palpable. The last few lines embedded themselves in my memory; Kagome holding the shaddered remains of a promise I assume refers to the unfused shikon shards, but does the promise relate to her self-imposed duty to stay by Inuyasha or her decision to leave with Kouga? Perhaps both, and that's the pain of it? I wish I understood more. Your lyrical prose was so engrossing, it upsets me that I can't figure it out. Nice work.