Reviewed By: Ice-is Blue [MediaMiner Member] On: May 05, 2005 06:17 CDT Comment/Review: *cuddleglomps the Conrad/Yuuri squishyness* So sweet! I almost didn't read this as 3x3 Eyes was listed along with KKM and, having seen both anime, a crossover between the two rather disturbed me. I'm glad I read anyway. Conrad was nicely in character. Yuuri's behavior fit well also. His "boundless, unbelievably naive enthusiasm," as you so nicely put it, captured my heart (and Conrad's too!). Despite how cute Wolfram and Yuuri are together and my predilection for rival!slash, I utterly adore the bond (romantic, one-sided, or otherwise) between Conrad and Yuuri. I look forward to perhaps seeing another KKM fic from you in the future.