Title: ffrg review Reviewed By: angelica incarnate [MediaMiner Member] On: May 30, 2005 11:52 CDT Comment/Review: First off, I'd like to thank you for submitting your story to ffrg. You have some interesting ideas started in the intro chapter and what seems to be a very well thought-out world beginning. Perhaps it is that I only read the intro, but there doesn't seem to be much InuYasha involved in this at all. Which is fine, because your start is solid: there is a distinct plot, some good characterization in as far as you have gone, and clean writing style. I think you should consider doing some research on mythical creatures to find the personalities/ characteristics you need, pick some fun names, and replace the InuYasha characters with your own creations. You would have a wonderful little piece that could be submitted to magazines or short story contests or just be a nice addition to your portfolio (if you intend to go on in writing). Even if you are just doing this for fun, there is a thrill in the creation of something that is your very own. Good luck and thanks again for sharing!