By: TaintedDreams This is the same as Another Chance because I messed up and it allow me to fix my mistake so I tried to delete the Original. Story- Chiza Himoto is a firecat hanyou (Just because I thought it would be funny) who at eighteen got pregnant with Sesshoumaru's child none the less. Now two years out of High School she has an uncerimonious reunion with Sesshoumaru.
Pairings are:
well of course Sesshoumaru/OC
a little bit of Kikyo/Naraku
and one mystery pair whom are not together be choice.
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 09.01.2007 | Pages: 15 | Words: 12.1K | Visits: 2.1K | Status: No Chapters