[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: Itachis_Mistress_sprialk Abandoned in Northern Konoha, also known as the pleasure district, Kurenai Yuuhi grew up in a rundown okiya with nothing more then her “mother” and “older sister”. According to villagers there was only one Geisha there by the name of Ino. Kurenai knew little about the life of a Geisha, until Anko sent her to school.
Itachi Uchiha, a young 15 year old clan lord, found no happiness in life, he hated his little brother and had no interest in anyone.
When Kurenai becomes a Geisha’s apprentice, she travels to a Tea house with Ino, only to meat the young lord.
Get ready for one tipsy trip, and a mesmerizing look into Konaha’s secret past time.
Warning: This story contains Adult refrences to violence, sexual relationships and other Adult material.
Anime/Manga: Naruto Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Fantasy / Hentai / Drama | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 05.30.2007 | Pages: 1 | Words: 1.2K | Visits: 815 | Status: No Chapters