InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ An Old Spider's Modern Hand
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By: IxHeartxWAR It all starts with Kagome’s high school literature class reading a folktale involving names all too familiar followed by a dear friend being harassed for looking like a depiction of one of the demon characters. Naraku has learned some new tricks and has gone further than ever before to get rid of Kagome. In fact, he may have even found a way to take her down in her own modern world when the all but InuYasha cannot venture and where InuYasha is most weakest due to his having to hide. A new twist of fate and a new story doomed to unfurl. Who will win this seemingly infinite battle for the Shikon no Tama and ultimate power?
Criticism desired so that I may continue this story and meet your standards and cravings as the reader.
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Fantasy | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 06.04.2011 | Pages: 1 | Words: 2.6K | Visits: 709 | Status: Completed