Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ My Love, My Angel...
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By: GoRgEoUs_GaL 
Sakura, wife of the late Li Syaoran, mothers two beautiful little children.
Cherry and Peony.
But Li is dead. And Sakura has had to deal with that for two years. How much longer can she deal with it?
There's only one thing Sakura's family wants and needs to make their family complete.
They want, the father, the husband, the lover, Li Syaoran.
Anime/Manga: Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Romance /
Suspense |
Type: One Shot |
Uploaded On: 11.19.2002 |
Pages: 6 |
Words: 1.3K |
Visits: 733 |
Status: Completed