By: Darkstar Reflections on life, the future, relationships among the pilots makes Duo face his own wants and desires from life, more specifically what kind of person he wants to be a part of his life. To remind himself later in life, or perhaps to validate his feelings by putting them down on paper, or just to get it out before it began to gnaw at him, Duo writes want he wants in a letter to himself. Only, he doesn't count on one thing, Heero finding the letter...
A sequel seems to be needed, but no ideas are presenting themselves, feedback is a must for this fic.
More than likely I will no longer be updating at this site. However, most of my fanfiction can still be found on under Darkstar, and though this may be slower to update there will be things available on my personal site not available at all or not available immediately on my website.
I write in Gundam Wing, Harry Potter, and have two small things for Weiss Kreuz, as well as some originl work. Join the forum, start a discussion, reccomend your favorite fics once I get the fic recommendation folder started. Check out the writing status page if you would like to know what I'm doing with any individual fic.
Anime/Manga: Gundam Wing Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 09.10.2001 | Pages: 5 | Words: 3.6K | Visits: 896 | Status: Completed