By: Neko911 Once again, the Gundam Pilots go undercover as students. And once again, Relena follows them. Everything is going along fine (well, as fine as humanly possible for five teenaged terrorists with the queen-of-the-world stalking them) until one day when their English teacher assigns them a project. The rules are to find a partner and write a poem. Of course, being Relena, she automatically/instantly chooses/strangles Heero. And Heero, being Heero, accepts the mission. After all, the Perfect-Soldier hasn’t refused a mission yet. But on the day they present, Heero decides to do a last minute editing job to the poem and add in his own share of brilliance (for the better, of course). ^_~ (Feel free to R&R... please?)
Warning: Relena bashing... ^_^
Anime/Manga: Gundam Wing Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: One Shot | Uploaded On: 06.24.2003 | Pages: 3 | Words: 856 | Visits: 514 | Status: Completed