InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Shiruri's return and Sesshoumaru's heart!
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: Inutaishos_Shadow_Tamer ok to make this short but sweet u are shiruri if u like selfinsertion. pg thirteen just incase ok shiruri is a young human girl who isa shadow tamr(she calms evil spirits kinda like sango a demons^_^) ok shes old friends with sessy and inu so she doesnt get killed she is being tracked ba naraku, she was placed in a curse from him maingher human(she used to be full fledge dog demon), sessy finds se is the reincarnate of his dad inutaisho, and sesshoumaruy gets his arm back AND while all this is happening sessy falls for u!! *throws confetti for fangirls*