Facets of the Living Jewel - Amantes sunt amentes: Ventus Ictus, InuYasha Fan Fiction | MediaMiner


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • This chapter had me so amused lol

    Spotting a speeding car, he leaped to the pavement and darted in front it, startling the driver. Letting out a whoop of excitement, he bounded off the hood and pushed off the top of the car, blithely ignoring the screech of brakes and astonished cursing coming from inside the vehicle as he raced away.

    I could just imagine that lol. Inuyasha kisses Kagome and then freaks the fuck out and 'whoops!' at random civilians haha.

    The part about the dogs following him had me thinking about Sid on the Ice Age hahahaha

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