Campfire Monolouges - Our Heros, InuYasha Fan Fiction | MediaMiner

Campfire Monolouges - Our Heros, InuYasha Fan Fiction | MediaMiner

Well here we are, the five of us seated around the campfire. Brought together by the Shikon no Tama, we are now a group, chasing Naraku. Each of us is different: A girl from the future, possessed of all the powers of her past incarnation as miko, and guardian of the jewel. A half demon, lover of the miko who once held the jewel, sealed by her curse for a lifetime.

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  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I valued that. For me, the most captivating moment is when the group opens up around the campfire, particularly Kagome expressing her affection for Inuyasha and the challenges they’ve faced

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