Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ In The Bedroom ❯ Night 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

In The Bedroom: Night 12

There are lights outside the window, flashing every which way. Eyes skimming the darkness for signs of movement find more than enough to look at. Rain splatters against the glass, blurring the vision, but it makes no difference. Duo Maxwell still sees.

Breathing in and out, deep as possible while still silent, he let his mind wander over the schematics of the building, let the location set in his thought processes and waited patiently for his brain to engage. It was a familiar feeling, this wait. So long as he was patient it would be alright.

They were closing in on all sides. A moment of thought was wasted on the how. How had they found him in this `safe' house. He should have known better. No place was safe. Just because Heero…

Heero. Don't come back here.

Shuddering, Duo felt his feet moving as a picture formed in his mind. There was a postern not far away, a slim trapdoor that led through to a cellar, a series of passages that led to the sewers, and from there…freedom.

It was the body's turn. It protested loudly as Duo forced himself to move, to follow the plan, to escape to fight another day. Only one thing kept him moving: the dead cannot reap their own revenge.

Trapdoor. Cellar. Passage. Sewer. They passed in a blurr until he was ankle deep in a slimy, dirt encrusted liquid.

A rat was his bed mate that night.