InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mother Nature Rock ❯ MNR - Inuyasha ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Apology: Barry White who sings "My first. My last. My everything." John Cage for having to teach Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru, and Naraku the dance, and of course to RT.

Format: Song Lyrics – Bold

Format: Thoughts - Italics

Please slip Standard Disclaimer from Chapter 1 in this slot.

Mother Nature Rock - 2 - Inuyasha

Miroku eased from behind the bush where he had earlier trilled. "So… "He rocked back and forth watching the distraught hanyou, '...bad day, eh?'

Inuyasha's head snapped up, his glare slicing over the monk, "What was your first clue?"

"Ahem, yea." The monk scratched the back of his neck allowing his voice to trail away. "The girls looked really good." Miroku tried to lighten the mood "Sounded good too."

"Mooonnk…" the growl rumbled through the glen reverberating off the nearby tree trunks.

The monk's knuckles whitened in response to the lethal rumbling, his body tensing, readying for whatever attack he was sure coming his way as his eyes frantically was searched for an avenue of escape.

"What now?"

Miroku blinked in surprise at the quiet question his eyes snapping back to the still kneeling Inuyasha.

"What am I going to do now?" Inuyasha's sorrowful gaze caught the monk's.

"Do you want to do something?" the question was tentative.

Inuyasha jerked upward grabbing the front of the monk's robes. "Hell yes! We need, I….. "Inuyasha faltered his grip slackening.

"You need?" The monk quietly prompted.

"Dammit, Miroku! We have to get Kagome back!" The hanyou jerked his hand away from the monk's robes and moved to stand in the middle of the glen staring up at the sky.

"Why?" The monk quietly questioned.

Inuyasha whirled around in surprise to face the now seated monk, 'Why?"

"I think that was my question, Inuyasha. Why?"

"Well the shards… "

"Can't Kikyo see them as well?" The monk offered helpfully.

The hanyou snarled, "I thought you liked Kagome. I thought you'd want to bring her back."

"I do." Was the monk's unhelpful reply, "What I don't know is why you do?"

Inuyasha's hand gripped the hilt of the sheathed Tessaiga. "Say what monk?"

"You heard what Mother Nature said; by the way she's got a kicking voice, doesn't she?" The responding growl encouraged Miroku to rush on, "You have Kikyo, why do you want her back?"

Inuyasha sighed and turned his gaze back to the sky for a long moment then turned to Miroku, "She's everything"

"Who Kikyo?"

Inuyasha's glare was his answer, "Right, well" he slapped his knees and rose "I have someone that might be able to help". Inuyasha's head whipped around as strange music started to play, "but you my friend" Miroku grinned at his companion will have to show me how much you want her back."

"How" suspicion flooded Inuyasha's face.

"Dance and song, of course" Miroku smirked.

Inuyasha's brow arched.

"What don't want her back that bad?" Miroku challenged.

"Just remember monk payback is a mother…." Inuyasha growled.

"Right…" the monk grinned bowing away to leave the hanyou the now empty glen.

The throbbing music filled the glen as Inuyasha removed his haori and started bopping slightly to the music

"We got it together didn't we? We definitely got our thing together. Nobody but you..." His fingers pointed outward "...and me..." then to himself. He turned right and lifted his left arm slowly upward to the music's beat and then pulled it down in a fist, crossing one leg over another and turning rapidly in a circle to the left with his hands outward palm up, elbows to his side.

His fingers began snapping as he took a step back with his left foot, followed by his right. A step to his right followed by the slide of his left foot and a clapped of his hands found the hanyou in front of a very surprised monk.

Unbeknownst to the monk and performing hanyou two figures stopped in their to-the-death clash to watch in surprised interest.

"What are your thoughts, Naraku?"

"Oh, I was just gonna ask you the same thing, Sesshoumaru" they quietly watched the obviously very talented hanyou.

"He's on to something there, Naraku"

"Oh yes, yes he is, Sesshoumaru"

"He's a funny little man isn't he" Naraku mused studying the dance moves.

"Yes, yes he is" Responded Sesshoumaru quietly also studying the dance steps.

"Hmm, well I can get with that."

"What? That there?" Sesshoumaru pointed with the tip of Tensaiga.

"It's not a problem for me. You?" Naraku queried.

"Not at all." Sesshoumaru sheathed his sword.

"Shall we?"

"Lets" offered Sesshoumaru politely as both men stepped out and joined the hanyou in his dance, one on either side. All three took a step to the left and slid their right foot to the left as the hanyou began to sing.

"The first, the last, my everything and the answer to all my dreams. She's my sun, my moon, my guiding star. My kind of wonderful, that's what you are."

All three men turned undulating their arms as they stepped forward then backed up tumbling their fist over each other.

I know there's only, only one like her there's no way they could have made two." The three sets of elbows lift to the side while bobbing their shoulders up and down… "She's all I'm living for, her love I'll keep for evermore."

Totally into the moment, Naraku and Sesshoumaru began to sing backup. "She's the first, She's the last, my everything." ….turning in a complete circle, they took small steps to the right, then slipped their left foot to meet the right stopping with a clap of their hands.

Miroku stood mouth agape as he watched the three men dance and sing.

"And with her I've found so many things a love so new only she could bring." Slowly villagers gathered around the glen watching in astonishment. "Can't she see it's her she makes me feel this way? She's like a fresh morning dew on a brand new day."

The dancers stopped momentarily, then started as Inuyasha broke away from his backup dancers and bopped in place singing "I see so many ways that I can love her till the day I die." His hands over his heart. "She's my reality, yet I'm lost in a-a-a a dream. She's the first, the last, my everything"

Returning to the glen after a quick change back into her demon slayer garb out of her Harajuku girl dance costume, Sango stopped, her jaw hitting the ground as she watched Sesshoumaru, Naraku and Inuyasha slide to the right and clap their hands, then circle to the left with their palms out in perfect sync while Sesshoumaru and Naraku sang backup…

"Ooooo" "Ooooo" "Ooooo" "Ooooo"

A grin slipped across Song's lips as she whispered, "it's about damn time".

The Yasha trio bopped sliding across the ground, moving in perfect coordination with the music taking a step to the right elbows in, palms up turning in a circle.

Once again Inuyasha broke away and stepped forward and leaning back slightly sang to the now bopping crowd, his heart in the song. "I know there's only, only one like her there's no way they could have made two that Girls my reality but I'm lost in a-a-a a dream" his arms thrown wide "She's the first, She's the last, my everything"

The trio circled to the left, then slipped to the right and clapped one final time as the song died down, their heads bowed. A stunned silence fell after the last note, and then a rousing cacophony of claps and "bravos" filled the glen.

Miroku shook himself from his astonishment and rapidly approached the trio. "Oh man, oh man we'll hit Cleveland first. Two nights in Detroit, one in Albuquerque, then Madison Square Garden"

"What the hell are you talking about monk?" Haori in hand the hanyou rapidly approached, "okay who's this help you were talking about?"

Miroku's eyes darted around the now vacant glen and moaned as he watched his cash cow vanish.

"My, my, my Inuyasha, I didn't know you missed me so much".

The hanyou stilled at the voice and smell that wafted over him, Kikyo.




Who recognizes the dance and song combination?