InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Past Mind, Present Body ❯ Past Life ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3: Past Life
“Kagome? Can we talk somewhere private?” Yash asked nervously.
“Yeah, I can't talk right now, but you can come by my apartment later tonight and I will make us both some dinner,” Kagome suggested.
“Okay, sounds good. See you around 8pm then?” he asked.
“Yup, sounds like a plan to me,” she confirmed. She could feel that this was important so she wanted him to at least feel somewhat comfortable when he was going to tell it.
“I'll see you later then. You live in apartment 28C,” he said nodding as he remembered her apartment number before leaving.
Kagome sighed, knowing that tonight was probably going to change her whole perspective on him. She felt him becoming more withdrawn lately, but tonight she would find out why.
They had known each other for about a month now and were getting really close. Kagome couldn't help but feel as if things were going too fast. It's only been a month and she felt as if she was in love all over again. She knew Yash didn't feel the same way, but she didn't blame him. How could she? He's had a horrible past to where he can't trust anyone and now he finds one person and starts opening up to her. It must be confusing to him.
She also couldn't help the other question on her mind. Was she in love with Yash or her Inuyasha? At one point she thought that she only love Yash because he was so much like her Inuyasha, but when Yash grew softer around her, he didn't act like her Inuyasha anymore. He was just Yash and so she was confused too. A year was plenty of time to get over Inuyasha, but she still felt like she was betraying him in some twisted way. Was it okay to start her love life back up again? Not that she had a real love life. She was 19-years-old and hadn't even had a first real kiss yet. How sad was that?
Kagome sighed at the depressing thoughts that clouded her mind. Once tonight was over with she could get to working on these problems.
The doorbell rang throughout the apartment and Kagome stopped what she was doing.
Here goes nothing! Kagome thought and went to answer the door. She opened it and behold, Yash was standing in the doorway, looking quite nervous.
“Hey there, Yash. You gonna stand out there all night or what?” she asked teasingly. Yash just gave a small laugh and stepped into the apartment.
“How are you doing? You seem a little on edge,” Kagome said, stating the obvious.
“I'm just scared of your reaction of what I'm going to tell you tonight,” Yash admitted.
“I told you before, Yash, that I won't judge you because of your past. You are who you are and nothing will change that. I promise that no matter what you tell me I will always be your friend. Now get that through your thick skull,” she smiled as she showed him to the dinning table.
She laid out the food and said, “Sorry, I couldn't make anything better. Hope you like instant ramen!” She was testing Yash to see if he really was Inuyasha or not.
“I love it, it's the greatest cheap food ever invented,” Yash smiled getting more relaxed as he sat down.
“Good, I'm glad,” she said and served the ramen noodles.
They sat down and talked for a while, just getting more comfortable in each other's company.
“So what did you want to tell me?” Kagome asked not being able to stand against her curiosity.
“What I wanted to tell you about was my past. What Kiki in the coffee shop said isn't very true,” Yash said.
“You can tell me Yash. Don't hold back,” Kagome encouraged him.
“Well my mother was a wonderful woman and mother. She always made sure I was fitting in at school and tried to help me with just life in general. How I came to be is how everything started.”
My mother met my father when she was fresh out of high school and she fell in love instantly. So they went on a couple dates before they started a sexual relationship, you know? Nothing really out of the ordinary right? Well about a year after they started dating my mother became pregnant with me. When my father found out he admitted that he was already married and had a son and that all he wanted was a young sex toy to have.”
She was crushed. She even almost had a miscarriage because of the grief she was in, but she made the doctors save herself and me. So then I was born the regular way. A nice healthy baby. When my mother's family found out about me, they disowned her and she became known as the whore of the town.”
My father died when I was around three-years-old and left my mother with all his gambling debts. Even though my mother was pissed off by this she never complained once and I respect her for that. After four years of trying to pay off the debts she got almost half of the way done, but then she died in a horrible accident. I was too young to remember, but I think it was a car crash or something along those lines.”
Anyway, automatically the debts went to me and the casino owners took me and worked me as a piano player in the shows. I was seven-years-old and playing piano in a casino to pay off debts. Those owners were always so fucking heartless. When I turned fourteen I met Kiki, the hot new actress that could do anything she wanted. She was about in her late twenties back then.”
An idea popped into my head. I had heard some women talking about how they hadn't had sex for years and wished there was a man they could hire to have sex with. I thought that if I played my cards right that I could maybe fool Kiki into thinking that I was one of those male escorts and I could take the money first and then run off.”
Of course that didn't work and I ended up sleeping with her. Looking back now I hate myself for giving into her, but back then I was a teenage coming out of puberty and wanted to explore those areas. God I was so stupid. What's done is done right?”
After the amount of money she gave me I started going to other women, hoping to see if they would pay me more. I was almost done with that debt and that was when Kouga found me. He paid off the rest of my debt and took me home. He taught me what a teenager was supposed to be like and here I am now. I know it's a long and complicated story, but please don't make a big scene,” Yash said, finishing up his story.
“Wow…That's not something you hear everyday…” Kagome said, not knowing what to say.
“Yeah, that's what makes me so unique,” Yash said in a joking way to lighten the mood.
“You've been through so much. It's horrible to think that anyone can experience that. I'm sorry Yash, but I'm still glad I met you. Nothing will ever change that,” Kagome smiled reaching out to touch his hand.
“So I'm not a disgusting pig to you? I find it really hard to believe that you are going to accept me just like that,” he said.
“Well believe it. You aren't disgusting, filthy, tainted, ugly, or anything bad. You are just you. If you accept that then I do too. You know what they say, you can't fall in love unless you love yourself,” she said picking up the dirty dishes.
“I do accept it, it's just everyone else that won't get past the fact that I did all that stuff before they even knew what it was,” he said helping her put the dishes in the sink.
“Well you are probably popular with the guys then. They always think the more chicks you score the more of a man you are,” she said.
“Yeah I guess you're right. Even some of the girls like the so-called experience that I have, but I told myself that I wasn't going to have sex again until I found the right girl. This past is a blessing and a curse. All the girls I try to go out with and tell, flip out and make a huge scene, calling me names and I never hear from them again, but that's life,” he sighed.
“Well I think it's sweet that you're going to wait for the right girl. I hope you find her,” she said washing dishes and blinking back her tears.
She knew it was too good to be true. No one could replace her Inuyasha.
Yash saw her sad expression and put a hand on her shoulder. He turned her to face him and then pulled her into a warm embrace. Kagome felt tears flow down her cheeks and she dug her face into his shoulder.
Even if he didn't like it when people cried, he knew she needed this. Everyone had their problems and he could tell she had been holding them in all this time. He would ask her later what was wrong.
Yash looked down at Kagome and smiled. She was sleeping soundly on the couch, making little noises meaning that she was dreaming. He picked her up and carried her into what he assumed was her room since the other room was empty. He placed her down on her bed and took off her shoes. He pulled the covers over her and left the room. He went to the living room again and turned off the T.V.
Yash looked down at the comfortable couch then looked at the clock. It was almost midnight. No sense in trying to go home at this time of night. He laid down on the couch and fell into a sound sleep.
Kagome slowly opened her eyes and began to rub the heaviness of them away. She opened her eyes fully and sat up. When did she get into her room? The last thing she remembered was watching T.V. with Yash.
She looked down and saw that she had all of her clothes on. She stood up and stretched her arms and back. She went to her closet and changed into some more comfortable clothes. She tied up her hair and headed for the kitchen to make breakfast.
She started getting out the frying pan and eggs when she heard a loud groan coming from the couch. She stiffened and picked up the frying pan tightly. She slowly crept over to the couch and saw a head slowly rise, signifying that whoever it was, was awake and sitting up.
She raised the frying pan that was in her hands and was about to bring it down on the person's head until she saw those beautiful gold eyes. She sighed in relief and hit him in the head, lightly, with the pan anyway.
“Ow! What the hell was that for?” Yash asked, still a little sleepy, but angry about the form of the wake-up call.
“You could have told me that you were here! I thought you were a burglar or a rapist or something!” Kagome shouted.
“Yeah right! Who would want to steal from you anyway? Besides when do burglars sleep on the couch when trying to steal stuff?” he exclaimed.
“I don't know, a stupid one!” she suggested.
“Whatever you say wench. I'm leaving,” he stated and stood up.
“Well don't you want breakfast first? I'm making eggs and bacon,” she smiled, knowing that he usually thought with his stomach.
“Fine, if you insist. I'll have some breakfast with you. Not because I'm hungry, but because I think you could use some company instead of eating alone,” he said.
Kagome nodded and went back to making breakfast. When she was done she served it and they ate.
“So what are your plans for today?” Yash asked.
“Nothing really. I only have two classes today and they are in two hours. After that I got nothing to do,” Kagome answered.
“Oh okay,” he said, not wanting to say more.
“Why do you ask?” she asked.
“I was wondering if you'd like to out or something. Like for ice cream or coffee,” he said blushing a little.
“Sure, that sounds like a great idea. My classes end at 1:30,” she said.
“Okay, I will see you then. I have to go check on my apartment. Make sure my dog didn't tear it up while I was gone,” he replied putting his dishes into the sink.
Kagome went up behind him and wrapped her arms around him. She rested her cheek on his shoulder blade and breathed in his scent.
“Thank you for telling me everything last night. I know it must've been hard,” she whispered.
“Don't worry about it. I told you because I know I can trust you. I know you are the only one who won't think differently of me,” he smiled softly.
“You're right on that. Just remember I'm always here for you,” she said letting him go, allowing him to turn around.
“Thank you,” he said. Then he did something that surprised both of them. He leaned down and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Then before she could say anything he was gone.
Things were starting to progress…Maybe they could both be happy with each other someday…