InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Past Mind, Present Body ❯ Here With You ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 5: Here With You
Kagome shielded her eyes from the bright winter sun. She adjusted her work out clothes before running down her block. She started running everyday, finding out that it helped her relax and think. School was really starting to stress her out and she had no way of releasing this stress.
She still couldn't be happier though. She was going out with Yash and she was beginning to really love being with him. It was getting bad. When he was away her heart would hurt and when he was near it would race. How can she be so in love so soon? She couldn't help it when she thought it was wrong, but then why did it feel so right?
She looked up and saw a hugs storm cloud over her head. “Great, a storms coming,” she sighed and began to run back home. She would have to check the news to see if it was a hurricane or not. She ran up the stairs to her room and ran into her apartment.
She locked the door behind her and turned on the T.V. She began to take off her clothes so she could change, but stopped when she heard the anchor man talk about the weather.
“Looks like this one is going to be big. We advise everyone in the Tokyo University area to take shelter in the nearest safe house for that is where the center of the storm is going to be. The storm will hit in approximately one hour.”
Kagome changed her clothes and grabbed her emergency pack. She always had it ready just in case of an event like this. She began to walk out of her apartment when she ran into Yash. She looked up at him curiously and asked, “Are you stalking me now or something?”
Yash chuckled and said, “Who wouldn't want to stalk you? I just came to make sure you came home all right. I know you go running every morning.”
“You really are stalking me! How did you know I started running?” she accused.
“You told me, smart one,” he smirked.
“I did? Oh I guess it's okay then. Come on let's go,” she said grabbing his hand and dragged him down to the street.
“Have you forgotten that the safe houses are separated by gender? The men's one is the other way,” Yash said.
“Well I don't care because I'm scared and I want you with me,” she said.
“Even if I go with you they won't let me in. Besides it's just a little wind,” he said trying to make her feel better.
“You aren't helping Yash. Just come with me please?” she said looking at him with worry in her eyes. He grabbed her hand and nodded. They began to walk down the street and finally got to the woman's safe house. They began to walk in, but a worker stopped Yash.
“This is a place only for women,” the worker said.
“I'm the one who dragged him here. Please let him stay, the storm is getting really bad and he might not make it to the other safe house in time,” Kagome pleaded with the worker.
“Fine, but if he harasses any of the women he's out of here,” the worker agreed.
Yash and Kagome walked in and found what looked to be the whole female population of Tokyo.
“My god, it's really warm in here,” Yash complained.
“It's called body heat and I better than standing out in the cold wind,” Kagome said putting down her stuff on a clear spot.
“Someone! Please help me! Anyone please!” an older woman cried. Everyone just ignored her, not wanting to get involved.
Kagome walked over to the woman and asked, “What's the problem? Is there anything I can do?”
“I own the local orphanage and I lost one of my children! She has curly red hair and green eyes and her name is Kit. I'm scared that she is still at the orphanage!” the woman exclaimed.
“Where is the orphanage? I can go out and try to find her,” Kagome offered.
“You aren't going anywhere. Old hag, tell me where the place is,” Yash came in.
“It's across from Tokyo University Park, it's a maroon building,” the woman said.
“No Yash, you aren't going out there alone,” Kagome said.
“Watch me,” he simply stated and ran out of the shelter.
“No! Damn him! That stupid boy!” Kagome yelled and tried to run out after him, but was stopped by the guards.
“It's too dangerous to go out there!”
“Let me go! I have to go help him!” Kagome shouted, but was pushed back. She fell on her butt and stared up at the guards in shock.
“We are sorry, ma'am, but we cannot let you go out there.”
Kagome just got up and glared at them through teary eyes. “You let him out, but you won't let me? Do you care nothing about a man's life?”
The guards just went back to the door, not wanting to face Kagome's wrath, or the guilt that was starting to creep up their spines.
Kagome walked back to her stuff and sat down next to her bag. She pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs.
“Please come back to me, Yash. I can't lose you. I can't handle it again,” Kagome whispered and put her head on her knees.
Yash ran down the street to Tokyo University Park. He looked across and found a maroon building. A glow was coming from the windows and he realized that the building was on fire.
“Damnit! Nothing is ever easy anymore,” Yash whined and ran to the building. The door was locked from the inside. He ran back then ran forward, throwing his body weight against the door. The door didn't budge. He could here someone crying on the inside and tried to break down the door again.
“Hey! Can you hear me in there?!” Yash called out.
“Help me!” a little voice answered back.
“I need you to back away from the door. I'm gonna try to break it down,” Yash ordered.
He picked up a metal trashcan and threw it down on the doorknob. It fell out and he once again threw his weight against the door. The door fell open and Yash saw the little girl he was looking for.
He ran to her and picked her up. He took her outside and sat her on the sidewalk.
“Are you alright? No major injuries?” Yash asked as he checked her for wounds.
“Thank you mister,” the girl smiled and coughed out some of the smoke that got into her lungs. Yash picked her up and started walking back to the shelter. It was raining pretty hard now.
“You're name is Kit right? The old woman was pretty worried about you. My name is Yash,” he smiled.
“Are you going to adopt me Yash?” Kit asked.
“I'm afraid I'm too young to adopt you, but I'll tell you what, when we get back to the shelter I'll give you my phone number and you can call me everyday from the orphanage. I'll even go visit you with my girlfriend and take you out,” Yash smiled.
“Are you really gonna do that?” Kit asked getting excited.
“Of course, you have my word on it,” Yash said.
Yash was really just trying to keep the kid calm, but now that he had promised Kit that he would go and now he would. Thunder roared over-head and Kit screamed loudly.
“Calm down, kiddo. We are almost there,” Yash said and picked up his pace. By this time they were both soaked and getting very cold. If they didn't get out of the rain they could get very sick.
Yash began to run when the shelter came into view. He got to the doors and the guards wouldn't let him in.
“Come on! I got a little kid here! At least let her in!” Yash yelled.
“We can't do that, we are already full,” a guard said.
“What kind of fucking safe house is this, if you don't want to keep a little kid safe?” Yash growled and punched the guard in the stomach, causing the guard to fall over in pain. Yash ran into the shelter and looked around for Kagome.
“Kagome! Where are you?” Yash called.
Kagome looked up from her spot on the ground and got up. She ran over to Yash and hugged him tightly.
“Oh Yash! I was so worried!” Kagome cried happily.
“Here, take the kid. I gotta leave before I get arrested for assault on a guard,” Yash said, handing Kagome the little girl.
“You can't go back out there. You're already soaking wet and you'll get sick if you go out there. Look you're shivering,” Kagome said. She was right. Yash was shivering badly, and if he didn't get out of those wet clothes he could get sick.
“Oh my gosh! You found Kit! Thank you so much!” the old woman from before smiled.
“Can I stay here with Yash and the pretty lady, Kaede?” Kit asked.
“Of course dear, but only for a couple of hours,” Kaede smiled and left.
Kagome began to take off Kit's jacket and wrapped a blanket around her.
“Kit, my name is Kagome. I need you to go back to Kaede and get another change of clothes. Then you can come back here,” Kagome said.
“Okay, I will be back then!” Kit smiled and ran off.
Kagome then turned to Yash and ordered, “Strip, right now mister.”
“Jeez, Kags, I knew you liked me, but not that much,” Yash teased.
“This is not time to be joking, Yash. Take off everything but your underwear,” Kagome said taking off his jacket. She moved to take off his shirt, but he stopped her.
“Stop it! There are people around!” Yash whispered harshly and looked around. Lots of women were staring at him, checking him out.
“Then strip! If you don't you'll get sick and I know you don't want that. You got yourself into this and you're getting yourself out!” Kagome said lifting his shirt up. She paused when her hands ran over his smooth six-pack. She caught herself staring at his flawless abs and blushed, before continuing.
She got his shirt off and that's when she noticed all the women staring at her man. “He's taken ladies! Quit staring!” Kagome called out, annoyed.
Yash smirked at her and said, “You're jealous. I like this side of you.”
Kagome ignored him and began to undo his pants. Yash jerked away and said, “I think I know how to take off my pants. Let me take care of this.” Yash unbuttoned and unzipped his pants before pulling them off, revealing his red plaid boxers.
“You better be glad I'm not going commando today,” Yash joked. Kagome just handed him a blanket and sat down. Yash sat down next to her and wrapped the blanket around both of them.
“What did I do now?” Yash asked. Kagome's shoulders began to shake as a sob escaped her.
“I was just so worried about you! I thought you weren't going to come back!” she cried and hugged him tightly.
Yash just smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “You shouldn't worry about me. I can take care of myself,” he said and kissed her temple.
“Just promise me one thing,” Kagome said.
“Anything,” Yash smiled.
“Never do anything like that again,” Kagome said leaning her head on his shoulder.
Yash chuckled and said, “I didn't plan on it, but then again I didn't plan on doing this either.”
“Doing what?” Kagome asked looking up at him. Yash leaned down and pressed his lips to hers.
“Ewww!” Kit cried, causing Yash and Kagome to back away from each other.
“Hey there kiddo. Come over here and get warmed up,” Yash smiled, opening the blanket for the little girl.
Kit giggled and ran to them. She settled in between the adults and they snuggled together for warmth.
They were like one happy family…Something Yash had always wanted…