Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Story of a Beautiful Boy ❯ The Forbidden Shadow ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3: The Forbidden Forest (Seven Years Later)
It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon; the whole Yu-gi-oh gang, including Marik and Malik were sitting on the living room floor at the Bakura residents playing a game of Truth or Dare. The house was the largest to be built in all of Tokyo; yes it was bigger than the Kaiba mansion, just with the business part in the basement. Ryou's parents decided that the kids needed a break, so they could come and stay over. As they were laughing and talking about people's answers, Ryou was again in deep though about someone special.
“Ryou, Truth or Dare”, asked Malik.
“Huh, oh, umm, Truth I suppose,” said Ryou with his cute British accent.
“Ok then, who do you have a crush on,” Malik asked with a smirk on. He was the only one Ryou trusted with who he really liked, knowing that the others wouldn't approve of his choice of liking.
“Malik!! You promised!!” exclaimed Ryou.
“Aww come on, its either now or now, cuz someone is bound to find out sooner or later. I know you were just thinking about him just now,” said Malik with a sexy smirk on his face.
“No I'm not!” said Ryou blushing furiously as Malik laughed at him.
As he looked at the others, he saw that they were very intent on hearing just who his crush was.
“Umm I think I hear my mother calling me out back, I'll….I'll be right back,” said a flushed Ryou.
As he walked outside, he heard a dark and mysterious voice called to him from the forest, which was said to house the most dangerous creatures to live, but that was a myth right?
All of a sudden he hears, “Come find me my love, follow my voice.
“That voice…. I know that voice.” So Ryou went to follow it.
As Ryou walked deeper into the forest, he kept hearing the hoof beats of a horse and that sweet and dark voice saying “Follow my voice beautiful one; come to me. As he reached an opening in the forest, he noticed just how far he was from the house, but all he wanted to do was find the voice of this mysterious man. Finally he noticed that he was in the middle of the forest; the heart of nature. Crunch “Hello! Is anyone there,” he shouted nervously. Crunch He was about to ask again when he heard, “Hello Ryou.”