|  | Title: Inuyasha in Repose [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: FlameTwirler  Uploaded On: Feb 14 11:57:03 2008 Charcters: FanFiction Linked Art, Inuyasha Description: Inuyasha is napping and peeking out at whoever woke him up. *hopefully me first fanart for Shrine Prostitute* Image Properties: 800x586 119.27 kb
|  | Title: Viscious Embrace [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: FlameTwirler  Uploaded On: Mar 12 19:09:35 2007 Charcters: Kakashi, Sakura Description: This is a fanart to the fabulously wonderful "Respect and Understanding" KakaSaku fic by ronsmyhero. Do me a favor and read it here. Not only will your lives be further enriched but this piece will make a whole lot more sense. Meh, your call. Sorry I didn' read more Image Properties: 800x711 135.5 kb
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