 | Title: SasuGaaLee J-rockers - colored [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: FlameAlchemist75  Uploaded On: Nov 29 19:47:03 2006 Charcters: Gaara, Rock Lee, Sasuke Description: I sketched this a long time and promised my friend I'd color it so that way she could put the image on some shirts for us to wear ^-^ All done in photoshop. I worked on this all day Saturday! I did the lineart on Friday but I did all the coloring Saturday. read more Image Properties: 800x600 164.6 kb View (2) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Sasuke Uchiha and Uryuu Ishida [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: FlameAlchemist75  Uploaded On: Nov 29 19:43:26 2006 Charcters: Sasuke Uchiha Description: It's been done before, but I wanted to do my own little tribute to Sugiyama Noriaki, who voices these two lovelies. Sasuke is my favorite character from Naruto and although Ishida is not my fave in Bleach, he is a cool character and I like hearing his voic read more Image Properties: 1500x1935 142.65 kb View (1) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: GaaLeeSasu J-rockers [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: FlameAlchemist75  Uploaded On: Nov 15 17:51:33 2006 Charcters: Gaara, Rock Lee, Sasuke Description: Well, I was sketching Gaara, Lee, and Sasuke to see what they'd look like as J-rockers. My friends and I are now in love with the idea of these three being in a band. ^-^ So I fiddled around with these three pics I drew and colored and gave them a funky ba read more Image Properties: 720x432 133.16 kb View (2) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Winter OT3 [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: FlameAlchemist75  Uploaded On: Nov 15 17:17:48 2006 Charcters: Gaara, Rock Lee, Sasuke Description: My friends and I are huge Naruto fans, and we each love a certain character (Gaara, Lee, and Sasuke). So we've called these guys are OT3, or One True Threesome, hehe. Here are the boys being all cute and bundled up for the winter. ^-^ Image Properties: 1379x1190 171.46 kb View (3) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Kaoru Hitachiin [ Anime/Manga :: Ouran Host Club ] By: FlameAlchemist75  Uploaded On: Aug 31 10:28:14 2006 Description: I love this anime! I also love all the characters, but mostly the twins and Tamaki. Hikaru was gonna be in this pic, but I couldn't decide what he would be doing, so it's just Kaoru, who happens to be my favorite of the twins. ^__^ Image Properties: 1518x1699 116.71 kb View (1) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Bakura [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: FlameAlchemist75  Uploaded On: Aug 31 10:15:35 2006 Charcters: Bakura Description: I haven't drawn Bakura in a looong time. So here he is. I think I did pretty darn good considering I haven't drawn him in like 2 years. Image Properties: 1782x1464 122.81 kb View (4) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Otogi aka Duke [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: FlameAlchemist75  Uploaded On: Aug 31 10:11:33 2006 Charcters: Duke Deblin Description: I really like how Otogi came out. I'm not used to drawing him. And if people remember my YGO Goths 4 pic (that is no longer up here but can be found at my account at deviantArt), then you'll notice how much better he looks compared to when I drew that pic. Image Properties: 930x1965 95.16 kb View (1) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Kaiba [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: FlameAlchemist75  Uploaded On: Aug 31 10:09:23 2006 Charcters: Kaiba Seto Description: This picture got me out of a two week artist's block. So I'm very thankful to it. ^_^ I wanted to draw a series of some of the YGO characters dressed to go clubbing or whatever. Enjoy! Image Properties: 610x1325 46.73 kb View (2) Visitor Reviews |