|  | Title: Epic Battles [ Mythological :: n/a ] By: Shimio  Uploaded On: Nov 17 17:12:02 2008 Description: I had a little help with this one. A friend did a rough outline and I did the rest. I love how it turned out! The colours are good, the sizes match up. It's just poyfect!!:P Image Properties: 700x916 432.54 kb
|  | Title: My Shenigaumi [ Anime/Manga :: Death Note ] By: Shimio  Uploaded On: Nov 17 16:52:14 2008 Description: This is a drawing of my Shenigaumi, Shomiekaru. Hes half crow half skeleton. The pointy black stuff are feathers. Hes highly annoying, following me everywhere I go. Hes always asking for his Death Note back. Phteh! Fat chance hes even going to find its hid read more Image Properties: 993x1565 306.62 kb
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