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 | Title: Near [ Anime/Manga :: Death Note ] By: Kuro4Kitty  Uploaded On: Aug 31 17:48:10 2012 Description: Near's chibi! Image Properties: 480x640 84.6 kb
 | Title: The Secret Rule 2 [ Anime/Manga :: Death Note ] By: Marcus Absent  Uploaded On: Aug 15 19:27:31 2012 Description: Cover art for the 2nd half of my Death Note story, "The Secret Rule." Image Properties: 560x840 87.98 kb
 | Title: A Voice Crying Out in the Darkness [ Anime/Manga :: Death Note ] By: Marcus Absent  Uploaded On: Aug 6 19:44:23 2012 Description: Cover art for my story, "A Voice Crying Out in the Darkness." Image Properties: 501x750 43.91 kb
 | Title: The Secret Rule [ Anime/Manga :: Death Note ] By: Marcus Absent  Uploaded On: Aug 6 13:57:03 2012 Description: Cover art for my story "The Secret Rule." Image Properties: 470x720 77.47 kb
 | Title: L [ Anime/Manga :: Death Note ] By: Brash  Uploaded On: Jun 18 23:15:23 2012 Description: Some work I did on PS Image Properties: 284x274 21.66 kb
 | Title: Chained [ Anime/Manga :: Death Note ] By: Otakumom  Uploaded On: Mar 26 7:58:27 2011 Description: Light and L. Image Properties: 478x425 105.34 kb
 | Title: L [ Anime/Manga :: Death Note ] By: FlowersSunshine  Uploaded On: Sep 1 15:09:45 2009 Image Properties: 449x599 28.53 kb
 | Title: Give in to Kira [ Anime/Manga :: Death Note ] By: selena281  Uploaded On: Jun 21 8:05:18 2009 Description: Light x L *drools* Image Properties: 1000x1358 255.94 kb
 | Title: L. [ Anime/Manga :: Death Note ] By: Cute_hiei15  Uploaded On: Jan 15 23:15:49 2009 Description: Here's "L" from death note. I added a few things but it still the same ol' "L". Took me 2 hours to draw with a #2 pencil. Hop you guys like him!^_^! Image Properties: 700x493 62.66 kb
 | Title: My Shenigaumi [ Anime/Manga :: Death Note ] By: Shimio  Uploaded On: Nov 17 16:52:14 2008 Description: This is a drawing of my Shenigaumi, Shomiekaru. Hes half crow half skeleton. The pointy black stuff are feathers. Hes highly annoying, following me everywhere I go. Hes always asking for his Death Note back. Phteh! Fat chance hes even going to find its hid read more Image Properties: 993x1565 306.62 kb
 | Title: tsuki is ready to fight [ Anime/Manga :: Death Note ] By: tsuki45231  Uploaded On: Aug 22 2:54:22 2008 Description: i know i know this is my orenal charachter her name is tsuki i put alot of work in to this so i wanted some one to see it Image Properties: 379x537 100.45 kb
 | Title: Shinigami 1 [ Anime/Manga :: Death Note ] By: Lawlet_L  Uploaded On: Jun 17 18:39:04 2008 Description: Kind of a rough for my Story 'A New Game' Image Properties: 868x1442 302.38 kb
 | Title: MattMello 'We're like cherries....' [ Anime/Manga :: Death Note ] By: celes234  Uploaded On: Feb 14 6:34:09 2008 Description: Whee, another mattmello fanart. This was inspired from a song. (this one ) Believe it or not, I kept imagining this scene at the part where he says 'You took a sip through your straw, a drop fell to your chin,' I read more Image Properties: 778x1108 200.18 kb
 | Title: L smile [ Anime/Manga :: Death Note ] By: FoxCat  Uploaded On: Jan 14 21:13:20 2008 Description: L FROM DEATH NOTE SMILING! *soo wants to glomp* Image Properties: 1755x1275 213.18 kb
 | Title: Dear Mello [ Anime/Manga :: Death Note ] By: celes234  Uploaded On: Dec 11 14:23:49 2007 Description: Mello, looking rather annoyed at something. This was a gift for a friend over at Deviantart. =3 Image Properties: 600x848 77.32 kb
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