 | Title: The Secret Rule 2 [ Anime/Manga :: Death Note ] By: Marcus Absent  Uploaded On: Aug 15 19:27:31 2012 Description: Cover art for the 2nd half of my Death Note story, "The Secret Rule." Image Properties: 560x840 87.98 kb
 | Title: The Fate of Pride [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: Marcus Absent  Uploaded On: Aug 6 19:50:08 2012 Description: Cover art for my story, "The Fate of Pride." Image Properties: 297x450 49.99 kb
 | Title: The Clock Ticks On [ TV Series/Movie :: South Park ] By: Marcus Absent  Uploaded On: Aug 6 19:48:46 2012 Charcters: Kenny Description: Cover art for my story, "The Clock Ticks On." Image Properties: 472x720 89.41 kb
 | Title: Reflection [ TV Series/Movie :: South Park ] By: Marcus Absent  Uploaded On: Aug 6 19:47:39 2012 Charcters: Cartman Description: Cover art for my story, "Reflection." Image Properties: 472x720 100.45 kb
 | Title: The Holiday Spirit [ TV Series/Movie :: South Park ] By: Marcus Absent  Uploaded On: Aug 6 19:46:10 2012 Charcters: Cartman, Kenny, Kyle, Stan Description: Cover art for my story, "The Holiday Spirit." Image Properties: 573x883 92.05 kb
 | Title: A Voice Crying Out in the Darkness [ Anime/Manga :: Death Note ] By: Marcus Absent  Uploaded On: Aug 6 19:44:23 2012 Description: Cover art for my story, "A Voice Crying Out in the Darkness." Image Properties: 501x750 43.91 kb
 | Title: The Secret Rule [ Anime/Manga :: Death Note ] By: Marcus Absent  Uploaded On: Aug 6 13:57:03 2012 Description: Cover art for my story "The Secret Rule." Image Properties: 470x720 77.47 kb
 | Title: Dude, This is Pretty F***ed Up Right Here [ TV Series/Movie :: South Park ] By: Marcus Absent  Uploaded On: Aug 6 13:55:27 2012 Charcters: Cartman, Kenny, Kyle, Stan Description: Cover Art for my story "Dude, This is Pretty F***ed Up Right Here." Image Properties: 404x605 60.4 kb
 | Title: Cartman Rising [ TV Series/Movie :: South Park ] By: Marcus Absent  Uploaded On: Aug 6 13:54:20 2012 Charcters: Cartman Description: Cover art for my story "Cartman Rising." Image Properties: 437x640 58.58 kb
 | Title: My Name is Kenny [ TV Series/Movie :: South Park ] By: Marcus Absent  Uploaded On: Aug 6 13:43:13 2012 Charcters: Kenny Description: Cover art for my story, "My Name is Kenny." Image Properties: 508x762 103.65 kb