 | Title: Heart Benders [ TV Series/Movie :: Avatar the Last Airbender ] By: Snow_Bunnie  Uploaded On: Feb 13 19:43:39 2007 Charcters: Katara Description: Heyness, my second image for the snail mail contest. The inside reads "I guess this card'll have to do." Took me maybe an hour. I really enjoyed doing this, but I think her eyes were too far apart... Oh well. I love her dress. I want to get a pretty dress read more Image Properties: 626x800 49.07 kb
 | Title: The Real Easter Bunny [ Anime/Manga :: Di Gi Charat ] By: Snow_Bunnie  Uploaded On: Jan 30 12:26:52 2007 Charcters: Rabi~en~rose Description: Heyness! I'm doing this for the Snail mail contest. Okay the inside of the card reads, "While we get this sorted out, have a Happy Easter." My first Di Gi Charat fan art! I used pencil, gel pen, crayons, and colored pencils. The actual picture didn't take read more Image Properties: 318x303 21.07 kb
 | Title: Kiss of Betrayal [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Snow_Bunnie  Uploaded On: Jan 26 8:11:41 2007 Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi Description: This is going to be a part in my fanfic Short bus. Might take a few more chapters to get there though. I don't like how Inuyasha's head looks, but oh well, I did it in pencil then inked it with a pen. Took maybe an hour. Might color it later, I dunno. Image Properties: 280x355 28.43 kb
 | Title: Hugglez [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Snow_Bunnie  Uploaded On: Jan 11 20:19:00 2007 Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi Description: Kagome and Inuyasha my fan fic version! I don't like the angle they're at... looks like they're falling over, but meh. Review please! Image Properties: 211x435 27.96 kb
 | Title: Inuyasha [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Snow_Bunnie  Uploaded On: Jan 9 9:30:45 2007 Charcters: Inuyasha Description: Inuyasha as he is in my fic Short Bus. Didn't like how his shirt turned out... If I had photoshop I'd edit it out, but oh well. Image Properties: 357x466 37.02 kb
 | Title: Kagome [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Snow_Bunnie  Uploaded On: Jan 3 20:55:35 2007 Charcters: Kagome Higurashi Description: Okay I hope this works. This is Kagome as she looks in my fan fic Short Bus. Image Properties: 178x462 29.94 kb
 | Title: No Love For Zuko [ TV Series/Movie :: Avatar the Last Airbender ] By: Snow_Bunnie  Uploaded On: Nov 14 12:44:13 2006 Charcters: Katara, Prince Zuko Description: "Zuko, I can't love you..." Katara hung her head as tears formed in her eyes. Or so the line will go when I get there. Image Properties: 400x410 18.63 kb
 | Title: Pencil Katara Zuko [ TV Series/Movie :: Avatar the Last Airbender ] By: Snow_Bunnie  Uploaded On: Nov 14 12:43:07 2006 Charcters: Katara, Prince Zuko Description: I tried a pencil sketch of my favorite couple. I don't like how Zuko turned out in the side veiw, but I like both of their faces. Image Properties: 420x530 22.23 kb
 | Title: Katara and Zuko [ TV Series/Movie :: Avatar the Last Airbender ] By: Snow_Bunnie  Uploaded On: Nov 14 12:41:47 2006 Charcters: Katara, Prince Zuko Description: Katara and Zuko in Katara's dinky little cell. Also goes along with my fanfic. Image Properties: 386x400 19.84 kb
 | Title: Kiss [ TV Series/Movie :: Avatar the Last Airbender ] By: Snow_Bunnie  Uploaded On: Nov 14 12:40:29 2006 Charcters: Katara, Prince Zuko Description: Yay! First image of my Zuko and Katara series. This goes along with my fanfic, even though i haven't gotten to this point yet. Image Properties: 386x400 15.37 kb
 | Title: Pants [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Snow_Bunnie  Uploaded On: Sep 13 16:57:54 2006 Charcters: Bishounen, Group / Scene Description: This also happened. I said it to some guy in PE. Image Properties: 484x305 33.15 kb
 | Title: Look Good [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Snow_Bunnie  Uploaded On: Sep 13 16:56:29 2006 Charcters: Bishoujo, Bishounen, Group / Scene Description: This actually happened in my life. My friend said it to me. Image Properties: 524x309 32.78 kb
 | Title: Fat? [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Snow_Bunnie  Uploaded On: Sep 12 16:58:28 2006 Charcters: Bishoujo, Bishounen, Group / Scene Description: First in a set of comics I did for fun. Image Properties: 493x302 30.34 kb