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Title: Viscious Embrace [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: FlameTwirler
Uploaded On: Mar 12 19:09:35 2007
Charcters: Kakashi, Sakura
Description: This is a fanart to the fabulously wonderful "Respect and Understanding" KakaSaku fic by ronsmyhero. Do me a favor and read it here. Not only will your lives be further enriched but this piece will make a whole lot more sense. Meh, your call. Sorry I didn' read more
Image Properties: 800x711 135.5 kb
Title: Neji Hyuuga [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: AnimeGirl214
Uploaded On: Mar 11 17:18:37 2007
Charcters: Hyuuga Neji
Image Properties: 946x1556 129.25 kb
Title: Ino Yamanaka [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: AnimeGirl214
Uploaded On: Mar 11 17:17:48 2007
Charcters: Ino
Image Properties: 1131x1615 117.46 kb
Title: Hinata Hyuuga [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: AnimeGirl214
Uploaded On: Mar 11 17:16:31 2007
Charcters: Hyuuga Hinata
Description: My fifth sketch: Hinata Hyuuga! (It kind of stinks...)
Image Properties: 1068x1641 126.69 kb
Title: Sasuke Uchiha [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: AnimeGirl214
Uploaded On: Mar 11 17:15:28 2007
Charcters: Sasuke Uchiha
Description: My fourth sketch: Sasuke Uchiha!
Image Properties: 1275x1392 135.69 kb
Title: Shikamaru Nara [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: AnimeGirl214
Uploaded On: Mar 11 17:13:19 2007
Charcters: Shikamaru
Description: My second sketch: Shikamaru Nara!
Image Properties: 904x1362 120.92 kb
Title: It is that final thread of fate that intertwines our futures [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: kakashifangirl_13
Uploaded On: Mar 11 10:38:46 2007
Description: Yukiko and Amy from Darkness Beyond Twilight, chained together by fate
Image Properties: 577x616 58.41 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Virtues [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: kakashifangirl_13
Uploaded On: Mar 11 10:35:04 2007
Description: Yukiko and Amy from Darkness Beyond Twilight
Image Properties: 629x813 100.41 kb
Title: Sleep [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: kakashifangirl_13
Uploaded On: Mar 11 10:33:49 2007
Charcters: Edward Elric
Description: Yukiko and Ed asleep together...cute, neh?
Image Properties: 563x601 20.89 kb
Title: Yori Miyuzumi [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: kakashifangirl_13
Uploaded On: Mar 11 10:32:52 2007
Description: This is Yori Miyuzumi from Drama of Teenage Girls
Image Properties: 882x1399 73.16 kb
Title: Neko Kage [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: kakashifangirl_13
Uploaded On: Mar 11 10:31:35 2007
Description: This is my picture of Neko Kage from Drama of Teenage Girls
Image Properties: 677x1174 57.1 kb
Title: No Need For Tanlines... [ Anime/Manga :: Tenchi Muyo ] By: SeaDragon_Kade
Uploaded On: Mar 11 6:41:56 2007
Charcters: Ryoko
Description: I'm glad I went through to trouble of finally finishing this long discarded and thusly weathered pic. It took me three times as long just to simply clean the massive amount of smudging and repair the lines as it did to actually color the pic. Though overal read more
Image Properties: 986x1000 454.63 kb
Title: First Kiss [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: cu-kid
Uploaded On: Mar 10 20:45:18 2007
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Description: Another illustration for Quillwing's "Sachi" (go read it!)
Image Properties: 1254x948 195.79 kb
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Title: Aya, Ryu, and Hiken (Left to right) [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: khmerchic47
Uploaded On: Mar 10 20:30:37 2007
Description: This is Aya, Ryu, and Hiken from the story Tournament of the Shinobi. They are my OCs except for Hiken which belongs to Misa1120, the cowriter of the story. U should definately read her stories... She drew this for me so I give all my thanks to her! Aren't read more
Image Properties: 945x1410 293.18 kb
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Title: Kai Hiwatari (coloured) [ Anime/Manga :: Beyblade ] By: Cold Black Raven
Uploaded On: Mar 9 23:23:35 2007
Charcters: Kai
Description: A pathetic drawing of Kai Hiwatari from Beyblade I made... yeah its lame but you know what? It published in the express newspaper!! YIPPIIIIEE!!!!
Image Properties: 450x600 79.4 kb
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