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Title: Kiri the Tear [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: Tear Alchemist
Uploaded On: Jun 6 13:53:29 2006
Description: This is what happens when you have Photoshop 7, way too much time on your hands, and the patience to read your own fanfiction over and over. This is what I had envisoned Kiri to look like, her hair in the fic is up in a ponytail so please forgive that over read more
Image Properties: 2243x3273 487.39 kb
Title: Inu and Kenshin sleeping [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Zizima
Uploaded On: Jun 6 10:49:37 2006
Description: Aren't they cute?
Image Properties: 784x678 174.62 kb
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Title: That Bit of Skirt [ Anime/Manga :: Weiss Kreuz ] By: Miss Macabre
Uploaded On: Jun 5 22:07:47 2006
Charcters: Youji Kudou
Description: This is in relation to my story 'Scarlet Letters' in which, Yohji has a scene or three in drag. Doesn't he make a beautiful woman? Bear in mind, he has makeup on - it's a shitty picture, but hopefully my art will get better someday. Looks best enlarged.
Image Properties: 744x1208 95.45 kb
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Title: Suprised Edward [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: leonaenae
Uploaded On: Jun 5 20:21:17 2006
Charcters: Edward Elric
Description: Here is my first drawing of Edward from FMA, yes i KNOW his arm is messed up ignore that. I am actually quite proud of this. This is an older Edward as you can see, most likely at the voting age now hehe.
Image Properties: 824x635 72.8 kb
Title: Kagome Higurashi [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Lady Kirima
Uploaded On: Jun 5 17:45:09 2006
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi
Description: I took guide lines from a good friend of mine, Adelsan. She told me to draw in pencil and over it with marker. (I hate my fucking mom) Just a head up. ^^
Image Properties: 608x547 84.78 kb
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Title: Fallen fox [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Rhae Noodle
Uploaded On: Jun 5 13:57:07 2006
Charcters: Kurama
Description: Like it? It's my favorite fox Kurama.
Image Properties: 495x383 38.52 kb
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Title: Vash [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: Gloria Stone
Uploaded On: Jun 4 15:39:08 2006
Charcters: Vash Stampede
Description: This was done in ink when I was still new to the wonderful medium. I had bought some nice pens and some ink although I didn't really know what to do with the ink in the bottle. I guess I techincally still don't know but I've evolved on my style somewhat. : read more
Image Properties: 489x686 66.62 kb
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Title: Mortal outside of time [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: Gloria Stone
Uploaded On: Jun 4 15:15:51 2006
Charcters: Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Vash Stampede
Description: I always wondered what the scene was like when Vash walked into that church and saw wolfwood dead. When I first started on this, I was working on a dark and very depressing feel to the picture. I wanted people to look at it and their hearts just break, eve read more
Image Properties: 558x746 155.96 kb
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Title: Fanart for Red Queen's The Sous-Chef [ Anime/Manga :: Weiss Kreuz ] By: Mrs. Nadir Rusalki
Uploaded On: Jun 4 6:43:31 2006
Charcters: Schuldich, Youji Kudou
Description: This is a fan art that I made for Red Queen's awesome fic entitled The Sous-Chef. There's always a person who can do something that would want you to dedicate something, anything for it. :D Done in Photosop CS2.
Image Properties: 900x687 234.16 kb
Title: Romanticmon [ Anime/Manga :: Digimon ] By: PantherWolf
Uploaded On: Jun 3 20:33:15 2006
Description: Romanticmon, Luvmon's Champion Form.
Image Properties: 337x433 28.79 kb
Title: Dark Mousey [ Anime/Manga :: D. N. Angel ] By: isseixjinpachi_shonen-ailover
Uploaded On: Jun 3 14:36:38 2006
Charcters: Dark Mousy
Description: i know this is verrry sketchey but its my first shot drawing a guy. ^-^
Image Properties: 528x608 31.52 kb
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Title: Deletion [ Anime/Manga :: .hack//SIGN ] By: Dragonprayer
Uploaded On: Jun 3 14:27:45 2006
Charcters: Kite
Description: /^^/ * dance* \^^\ * dance* Kite is the man! I recently started to play the game .Hack and MAN, I can't get enough of it! Thankfully, .HACK//G.U will come out soon!
Image Properties: 640x445 350.98 kb
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Title: Equal Partners [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Something Dysfunctional
Uploaded On: Jun 3 11:49:38 2006
Charcters: Sailor Moon
Description: I drew this when I finalized my character, Sailor Earth aka Destiny. She took me six years to create. SIX!!! Haha. I love her to death, though. Meduim: 2B pencil and colored pencils.
Image Properties: 524x721 144.23 kb
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Title: Haku [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: raiia_xx
Uploaded On: Jun 3 5:35:52 2006
Charcters: Haku
Description: I love Haku [from Naruto]. He's a great character. v.v Too bad he died... Wah. Well, it's a good pic, except he looks maybe TOO much like a girl... Nieh, w/e he's a cross dresser, right?
Image Properties: 632x600 84.16 kb
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Title: Savvy's Inuyasha [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: sogi
Uploaded On: Jun 1 20:44:09 2006
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: My second "Savvy" fanart! My image doesnt completely fit with the story... Since Inuyasha is supposed to hide his ears and wear simple, tough-guy clothing. But for the sake of my picture, let's just say it's afterhours and Kagome bought him the shirt ^^;; read more
Image Properties: 800x699 176.1 kb
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