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Title: Miroku and Sango: Untitled [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Becca Stareyes
Uploaded On: Nov 13 18:35:39 2004
Charcters: Miroku, Sango
Description: A gift to my friend Cassie for her birthday. Anyone want to guess her Inuyasha ship of choice? I worked very hard on that background -- heck, it threw Photoshop into several fits.
Image Properties: 600x480 102.44 kb
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Title: Fan-Service For Kagome [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: LuClipse85
Uploaded On: Nov 13 16:09:04 2004
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: Once again, I've worked my magic with the Prismacolor colored pencils. Only in this one, there's a tiny trace of silver ink on the necklace. *^-^* I can't believe I giggled after looking at the scanned results! This is not hentai or anything, okay? I wante read more
Image Properties: 765x945 129.82 kb
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Title: Baka no Kira! [ Anime/Manga :: Angel Sanctuary ] By: koga711
Uploaded On: Nov 13 13:09:55 2004
Charcters: Sakuya Kirai/ Kira Sakuya
Description: I was going to draw Setsuna but I couldn't stop getting how idiotic Kira was being out of my head, I mean, we all KNOW he loves Setsuna, yet he's being so stubborn about it!
Image Properties: 529x712 50.62 kb
Title: Kaze [ Anime/Manga :: Final Fantasy: Unlimited ] By: koga711
Uploaded On: Nov 13 13:07:55 2004
Description: This is a drawing of Kaze, I just saw FF:Unlimited, I'm actually quite proud of this drawing. It's entirely pastel pencils & I actually cleaned it up on my computer. ^^
Image Properties: 638x712 89.67 kb
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Title: Shuichi [ Anime/Manga :: Gravitation ] By: LadyLuck1006
Uploaded On: Nov 12 23:00:32 2004
Charcters: Shuichi
Description: Mein erster Shuichi*ganz stolz is*
Image Properties: 878x720 133.76 kb
Title: Edward! [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: koga711
Uploaded On: Nov 12 14:56:38 2004
Description: This is the first (successful) fan art I have ever drawn, and I'm rather proud of it. It's done with pastel pencils, but the hair and eyes are oil pastel. please, I'd really like some feedback on how people view this! ^^ nya?
Image Properties: 412x669 65.21 kb
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Title: Man in my dreams [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Fasha-chan
Uploaded On: Nov 11 23:09:49 2004
Description: yah...... he was in one of my normal what most ppl would call crazy ass dreams...... i'll write a story on it.....
Image Properties: 479x1563 130.01 kb
Title: Lonely [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Fasha-chan
Uploaded On: Nov 11 23:07:48 2004
Description: this goes with one of my poems.... Lonely
Image Properties: 611x547 42.12 kb
Title: Lady of the Dragons [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Fasha-chan
Uploaded On: Nov 11 23:00:30 2004
Description: This....is a very bad scan.... I can't get a better scan because I gave it away... *sign*.. and I have a lot more to put up...... some with color and the ones that really suck..... those are just sketches so if you want me to redraw any of them..... ask
Image Properties: 612x396 31.97 kb
Title: Ice Cream Parlor [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: OdangoUsagi
Uploaded On: Nov 11 20:25:26 2004
Charcters: Anzu Mazaki, Mai Kujaku, Miho Nozaka, Shizuka Jounouchi
Description: A little something I drew for a club at deviantART. We need more YGO-girl pictures. :) I know I can't shade for my life, so please don't touch that too much.
Image Properties: 300x387 50.37 kb
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Title: Asuka: Personality Number Two! [ Anime/Manga :: Neon Genesis Evangelion ] By: Chibi-Suiko
Uploaded On: Nov 11 18:30:02 2004
Charcters: Asuka Langley
Description: Just a lil' pic of Asuka that I did in my Tech Ed. class. Actually, between all of you and me, it's my very first one... Lol.
Image Properties: 440x634 42.62 kb
Title: Sailor Misty! (Pic One) [ Anime/Manga :: Pokemon ] By: Chibi-Suiko
Uploaded On: Nov 11 18:22:04 2004
Charcters: Misty
Description: It's my favorite Pokemon character Misty, as a Sailor Senshi (Scout)! That means that this pic is a semi-X-over with Sailor Moon! ...Though I couldn't pic more than one series, so I sorta put it here... Lol.
Image Properties: 636x770 50.98 kb
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Title: Chibi Inuyasha [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: elva_yami
Uploaded On: Nov 11 17:47:35 2004
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: Just a little drawing I did for fun.
Image Properties: 320x439 22.14 kb
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Title: Sketch 1 [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Fasha-chan
Uploaded On: Nov 11 12:01:17 2004
Description: Just one of many of my sketches that I do in class...... and its not art class.... if it was.... the teachers wouldn't come after me all the time....... hehehehehee
Image Properties: 1268x1456 208.56 kb
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Title: What are you looking at? [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: inkheart
Uploaded On: Nov 11 9:27:07 2004
Charcters: Jaganshi Hiei
Description: the background may seem strange cause i drew it during class(dont tell my dad). anyway this is Hiei glaring at nothing in particular. i did it in pen and i think it came out pretty good, dont you?
Image Properties: 244x337 28.19 kb
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