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Title: Yamato the Sidekick [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Hineko
Uploaded On: Oct 10 19:21:47 2002
Charcters: Mimi, Yamato/Matt
Description: I love MimAto! For my fanficcie, Magical Girl Mimi - a sillie parody of the magical girl genre... Digimon style!
Image Properties: 333x310 29.17 kb
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Title: Snack [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: onna-chan
Uploaded On: Oct 10 8:19:26 2002
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: This pic is so cute, so i just had to draw it out.
Image Properties: 252x326 21.3 kb
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Title: Radical Edward. Aged. [ Anime/Manga :: Cowboy Bebop ] By: Jincy le Fou
Uploaded On: Oct 9 20:16:45 2002
Charcters: Edward
Description: Um...Ed's grown up! Ilike the way she came out.
She looks pretty. And I
like the "weirdness" of
her outfit. ^-^
Image Properties: 475x371 208.4 kb
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Title: Sylia again... [ Anime/Manga :: Bubblegum Crisis ] By: Sylia_chan
Uploaded On: Oct 9 13:48:28 2002
Charcters: Silia Stingray
Description: This drawing of Sylia is more in my own style than Bubblegum crisis style. It was originally just a doodle but I quite liked it and thought It was worth posting. I'd love any feedback, as always. -Kylie
Image Properties: 376x405 29.93 kb
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Title: Girl with a hat on... [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Sylia_chan
Uploaded On: Oct 9 13:39:56 2002
Description: This is a little picture I did inspired by a beautiful chobits postcard... -Kylie
Image Properties: 428x508 117.11 kb
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Title: Sailor Centuris [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: dubird
Uploaded On: Oct 9 13:30:13 2002
Description: Otaku Senshi! First image I did of her actually. Didn't come out half bad. The background was originally white, I went back recently and did the current one just because.
Image Properties: 239x444 60.29 kb
Title: Quatre in color [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: dubird
Uploaded On: Oct 9 13:24:28 2002
Charcters: Quatre
Description: Original sketch, colored anime style.
Image Properties: 496x964 44.07 kb
Title: Quatre in Black and White [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: dubird
Uploaded On: Oct 9 13:22:11 2002
Charcters: Quatre
Description: This was just a random sketch I did. Yes, it is off an exsiting picture, but I was just trying to get the propotions right. I think it came out nice. ^_^
Image Properties: 397x394 131.91 kb
Title: Akira Matsuya: Spirit Warrior [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Joe_Man500
Uploaded On: Oct 8 20:38:58 2002
Description: [Background] This is a requested pic by Kaden. Check out the other Akira pics by clicking on the character name. Check out more info at http://www.spirit-warriors.com[Self-Critique] Despite the fact that this image isn't really anything special (in my opin read more
Image Properties: 502x664 33.43 kb
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Title: D *resized* [ Anime/Manga :: Vampire Hunter D ] By: Niphridell
Uploaded On: Oct 8 13:42:19 2002
Charcters: D
Description: heh heh heh...I never noticed that gnifty little 'resize' button thingy ^^; hopefully it's better now!
Image Properties: 937x632 283.06 kb
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Title: Chibi Usa as Santa [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: muveszno
Uploaded On: Oct 8 12:42:51 2002
Charcters: Sailor Chibi Moon
Description: This picture is hand painted (cel)
Image Properties: 397x445 26.65 kb
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Title: Minako as a little girl [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: muveszno
Uploaded On: Oct 8 12:30:01 2002
Charcters: Sailor Venus
Description: She is wearing a halloween costum :)
Image Properties: 289x529 30.61 kb
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Title: Princess Serenity [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: muveszno
Uploaded On: Oct 8 12:26:10 2002
Charcters: Princess Serenity
Description: This is one of my favorite. The picture was drawn in 1999 I think. It is also computer generated picture.
Image Properties: 475x600 75.64 kb
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Title: on the beach [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: muveszno
Uploaded On: Oct 8 12:20:12 2002
Charcters: Tsukino Usagi
Description: Usagi colored on the computer and the background dwon with airbrush
Image Properties: 506x660 90.7 kb
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Title: Sassi the butterflylady [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: muveszno
Uploaded On: Oct 8 11:59:03 2002
Description: This the main character of my comic book I'm working on. It will be pablished online in January 2003 www.sassithebutterflylady.com
Image Properties: 425x507 68.12 kb
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