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Title: Kujuu [ Mythological :: Furries ] By: ReD_FeNiX
Uploaded On: Dec 10 5:50:10 2003
Charcters: Canine
Description: I'm back on MM.org! Man, the small account thing sucks. But, we'll see. Kujuu. Some of you may remember him. I kinda figured out how to use Photoshop... but not really. He's walking through a scary forest of some kind. Ooooooh. Brushes were from Aurora but read more
Image Properties: 600x745 179.6 kb
View (2) Visitor Reviews
Title: Brynna The Fire Child [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: sexy_angel_1020
Uploaded On: Dec 9 20:07:08 2003
Charcters: Angewoman, Beelzemon/Beelzebumon, Fan Created Charecters, Gatomon/Tailmon, Original
Description: thsi is Brynna, one of my Dejii Children from American Dejii Children. She is the fire child, but intestingly enough, her Dejiivolutions are: Gatomon, Angewomon, and Beelzemon. She is actually me, but the name is a play on my own. I will have my other 3 fr read more
Image Properties: 174x431 11.99 kb
Title: Redheaded Rover Girl [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Nightambre
Uploaded On: Dec 9 14:48:57 2003
Description: This was my first foray into lineartless CGing. this is of an original RP character of mine, Eva Maxwell (No relation to Duo Maxwell of Gundam Wing). She's something of a dancer type, part of a nomadic band of travelers known as Rovers. Pretty fun to play. read more
Image Properties: 400x556 85.71 kb
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Title: Female Schu [ Anime/Manga :: Weiss Kreuz ] By: Rae Maxwell
Uploaded On: Dec 9 14:24:18 2003
Charcters: Schuldich
Description: Schu is a really quite a skinny guy, so if he were female he would likely be quite thin, and not overly endowed. She would dress damn sexy, becuase as my dad is fond of saying 'all a girl has to do is walk into the room'. A doodle in my denim book, which i read more
Image Properties: 351x592 63.35 kb
Title: Kayley [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Faia Saiyajin
Uploaded On: Dec 9 10:31:38 2003
Description: Kayley, my Were-Tiger, in a pithy attempt at dynamic-y artwork. I can't tell if she's landing, skidding, or getting ready to pounce. I touched it up as best I could, given that it's on lined paper, being mailed to my buddy Jim, who is with the Army over in read more
Image Properties: 517x396 103.89 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Ghul - pencil [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Faia Saiyajin
Uploaded On: Dec 9 10:29:27 2003
Description: Ghul, the nasty-tempered prone-to-blood-drinking monster in my novel/manga, 'Strange Gods'. He is half-wolf, half-dragon. I don't like the coloring on his tail.
Image Properties: 523x699 86.67 kb
Title: One Bad Mutha [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Faia Saiyajin
Uploaded On: Dec 9 10:26:39 2003
Description: Tobyn Kal'Nittak, the bad guy of Strange Gods. Not a Very Nice Person.
Image Properties: 385x712 86.46 kb
Title: Faia - The Unnamed Feeling [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Faia Saiyajin
Uploaded On: Dec 9 10:25:33 2003
Description: The artwork of Faia, without the wallpaper. The shading is really random, but, at this moment, I really don't give a rat's ass. I like it anyway.
Image Properties: 547x578 48.2 kb
Title: Grrl - Colored [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Faia Saiyajin
Uploaded On: Dec 9 10:24:35 2003
Description: Kayley - colored. I actually like the coloring on this one.
Image Properties: 357x499 58.24 kb
Title: I HAVE BAD MOODS [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Faia Saiyajin
Uploaded On: Dec 9 10:21:10 2003
Description: Kayley in full Were-Tiger form. I hung this on my door, to let those outside know I wasn't exactly in a good mood. (more old artwork)
Image Properties: 426x503 63.04 kb
Title: Zetavius Kythrii [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Faia Saiyajin
Uploaded On: Dec 9 10:20:06 2003
Description: A boob-tastic rendering of Zetavius, the Dark Elf WarMage from 'Strange Gods'. I can't believe she actually tries to FIGHT in that getup. -_- (Drawn at the beach last summer in my humongoid sketchpad.)
Image Properties: 354x504 50.52 kb
Title: Ghul vers2 [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Faia Saiyajin
Uploaded On: Dec 9 10:19:05 2003
Description: WolfDragon Ghul again. I figured the guy needed a decent coloring job. The CGing here kinda sucks... because I wasn't really paying attention. Ehh well.
Image Properties: 416x508 51.57 kb
Title: The Little Demon [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Faia Saiyajin
Uploaded On: Dec 9 10:18:07 2003
Description: 'Tis Faia! Chibi! :gasp: This had, 1 total layer when I was coloring it, so technically, it's my first cel-style color job. The problem with Faia, is that she's a Shadow Demon type, so she doesn't reflect ANY light (not even her clothes), so making it look read more
Image Properties: 401x500 34.28 kb
Title: I Own the Night [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Faia Saiyajin
Uploaded On: Dec 9 10:16:46 2003
Description: Faia again. Did I mention it's a bitch shading a character that reflects absoultely NO light whatsoever? Gah.
Image Properties: 362x420 53.64 kb
Title: Darwin Sharpwing [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Faia Saiyajin
Uploaded On: Dec 9 10:15:40 2003
Description: Darwin, the sort of addle-brained, rediculously smart one of the group of oddly-backstoried adventurers in my comic, Strange Gods. His species was obsessed with acquiring and writing down all knowledge in the cosmos (obsessive, no?). They were so absorbed read more
Image Properties: 372x499 69.24 kb
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