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Title: Punk Skull [ Miscellaneous :: Computer / Concept Art ] By: noeyes
Uploaded On: Dec 20 10:12:34 2003
Description: I thought somebody out there would want to see this...
Image Properties: 145x193 3.18 kb
Title: Bad Spyro the Dragon.. [ Computer/Video Game :: Spyro ] By: noeyes
Uploaded On: Dec 20 10:10:54 2003
Description: I can NOT draw dragons, can I?
Image Properties: 397x328 8.03 kb
Title: No Eyes W/ BIG RANDOM WINGS! [ Miscellaneous :: Computer / Concept Art ] By: noeyes
Uploaded On: Dec 20 10:09:56 2003
Description: What the title says...
Image Properties: 432x505 13.09 kb
Title: Depression Phase [ Miscellaneous :: Computer / Concept Art ] By: noeyes
Uploaded On: Dec 20 10:08:43 2003
Description: Everyone gets depressed, ESPECIALLY No Eyes...
Image Properties: 184x212 4.1 kb
Title: No Eyes with a Skull [ Miscellaneous :: Computer / Concept Art ] By: noeyes
Uploaded On: Dec 20 10:07:29 2003
Description: It's one of my characters I made up called No Eyes. (Like 2-D from the GoRiLLaZ. Thought it looked familiar, didn't you? :P)
Image Properties: 234x304 5.38 kb
Title: Spyro as a human! [ Computer/Video Game :: Spyro ] By: noeyes
Uploaded On: Dec 20 10:05:50 2003
Description: I drew Spyro as a human! Spyro the Dragon is © to his creators. :P
Image Properties: 255x394 7.19 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Flick [ Miscellaneous :: Computer / Concept Art ] By: noeyes
Uploaded On: Dec 20 10:04:05 2003
Description: Flick is my Pokémon trainer (fan-made). STUFF!
Image Properties: 390x383 9.93 kb
Title: Crash (Not Bandicoot) [ Miscellaneous :: Computer / Concept Art ] By: noeyes
Uploaded On: Dec 20 10:01:31 2003
Description: Just my character Crash. (I know, I know, I have a lot of characters). I got the idea with the goggles from Outkast (on the MTV awards or w/e) and the hair well, it was random.
Image Properties: 444x399 13.77 kb
Title: Hey everybody it's Muzic Time! [ Miscellaneous :: Computer / Concept Art ] By: noeyes
Uploaded On: Dec 20 10:00:18 2003
Description: Just some d00d listening to his headphones. Meh. I got the lines: "Hey everybody it's Muzic Time!" from a band called STYX. They rock, you should listen to'em.
Image Properties: 269x290 8.39 kb
Title: Ignorant Gordo [ Miscellaneous :: Computer / Concept Art ] By: noeyes
Uploaded On: Dec 20 9:59:17 2003
Description: Gordo. My chara. He's a perv. -_-"
Image Properties: 321x317 8.83 kb
Title: Bugsy [ Miscellaneous :: Computer / Concept Art ] By: noeyes
Uploaded On: Dec 20 9:57:13 2003
Description: It's just my character Bugsy, no big deal. I know, I know, I suck at computer art. ^_^
Image Properties: 348x335 8.45 kb
Title: Cute Panny [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: PrincessEssie
Uploaded On: Dec 20 6:38:44 2003
Charcters: Pan
Description: Hewwo, I'm Panny. Ain't I cute? And adorable!? ^___^ I am cute, right right right?? No? *pouts* Meanie!
Image Properties: 502x478 41.17 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Goku and Sanzo [ Anime/Manga :: Gensomaden Saiyuki ] By: Yami_Azzie
Uploaded On: Dec 20 5:26:22 2003
Charcters: Sanzo
Description: This was a sketch from Smooth silky hair....
Image Properties: 400x321 15.6 kb
Title: A Very Taito Christmas ~Mistletoe Ambush [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Jun-chan
Uploaded On: Dec 20 0:17:52 2003
Charcters: Taichi/Tai, Yamato/Matt
Description: Taichi ambushing Yamato with some mistletoe. ^_^; Kind of messy, but oh well. Its only my second try at a double character oekaki. =P
Image Properties: 300x300 96.44 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Blue Highlights [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: ShadeAngel
Uploaded On: Dec 19 22:34:45 2003
Description: Not much to say. My first attempt at skin tonage in open canvas. It's late, my eyes seem to want to fall outa my skull and I hafta be up early tomorrow. Just some random girl-ish boy here.
Image Properties: 360x320 13.64 kb
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