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Title: Sachi [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Knights ] By: Sakura22
Uploaded On: Jan 2 12:56:25 2004
Description: Okay, so I drew this from a Learn-How book. It's actually my friend Caitlin's character for a Dragon Knights RPG we do together often. In truth it's not really even Dragon Knights at all. I named it Sachi, and she was the original concept for the character read more
Image Properties: 915x1520 260.18 kb
Title: Co-worker's grandsons [ Miscellaneous :: Realism ] By: Mr. Cat
Uploaded On: Jan 2 9:15:12 2004
Description: This was commissioned by a co-worker for a Christmas present. I am very happy to say that her son (the father of her grandsons) loved it!
Image Properties: 331x480 20 kb
Title: Booty!! [ Computer/Video Game :: Legend of Mana ] By: Angie-chan
Uploaded On: Jan 2 2:22:48 2004
Description: I've been wanting to draw this picture ever since I first played the game when it first came out. Sadly, I really sucked then, so I couldn't, but now I have done it, yay!! Please review!
Image Properties: 308x652 47.11 kb
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Title: BGM Meryl [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: Jenny Bird
Uploaded On: Jan 1 21:27:03 2004
Charcters: Meryl Stryfe
Description: One Meryl Stryfe, as I used to play her on www.BlackGateMux.com. Eh, I never really did anything with her there, alas... but I still like how this picture came out. ^_^; Especially considering I had a raging case of the Flu and a 102 degree fever when I di read more
Image Properties: 480x999 82.17 kb
Title: Arimi: Third Announcer of the Dark Tournament [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: FyreIceYoukai
Uploaded On: Jan 1 19:38:11 2004
Charcters: Original Character
Description: This is one of my best drawings so far. It started out as Koto and she turned into this girl. I don't know why I named her Arimi. The name just popped into my head. Anyway please review.
Image Properties: 2508x3112 481.83 kb
Title: Diversity [ Miscellaneous :: Mystical ] By: sadesama
Uploaded On: Jan 1 17:19:16 2004
Description: Meet Ryle and Leade, a human/elven couple. They are currently starring in one of my fantasy fiction works-in-progress, and insisted I do their portrait. They are both bossy creatures, don't you think? Done in PSP 7.
Image Properties: 480x640 38.7 kb
Title: Sephiroth vs. Cloud [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: CrystalShards
Uploaded On: Jan 1 12:17:49 2004
Charcters: Cloud Strife, Sephiroth
Description: Cloud vs. Sephiroth. It seems as if they are in a dream like state. I had no idead what to do for a background. It came out alright. A half @$$ job I guess. Sephiroth's hair and skin did not come out the way I wanted it to exactly. It's hard blending to ge read more
Image Properties: 546x795 191.56 kb
Title: Sora - PAINTED! [ Anime/Manga :: .hack//SIGN ] By: Miaka-chan
Uploaded On: Jan 1 8:58:10 2004
Description: This was completely done on the computer. Drew the craptapular picture of Sora, slapped on a background and framed it XD It's not bad for 10 minutes.
Image Properties: 574x405 118.57 kb
Title: Kathryne x Kail [ Computer/Video Game :: Ragnarok OnLine ] By: Miaka-chan
Uploaded On: Jan 1 8:54:11 2004
Description: This was another Summer Vacation sketch I did with pen. The girl in the picture is my character Kathryne and the guy who looks annoyed is Kail my friend XD All the others in the background are in our guild! W00t!
Image Properties: 606x745 66.03 kb
Title: Cloud [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: Miaka-chan
Uploaded On: Jan 1 8:29:55 2004
Charcters: Cloud Strife
Description: I think I didn't take nearly enough time with this. The arm looks broken but I guess I can't complain.
Image Properties: 413x669 82.96 kb
Title: Midori - Mewtwo's Adorer [ Anime/Manga :: Pokemon ] By: Miaka-chan
Uploaded On: Jan 1 8:26:27 2004
Description: She was originally created for my Mewtwo fanfiction, but I never got to writing it. She absolutely adores Mewtwo and everything about him. If I had it my way, the 1st movie would of been better and she would of been in it.
Image Properties: 361x453 37.96 kb
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Title: A day in the Life of an FLCL world. [ Anime/Manga :: FLCL ] By: Miaka-chan
Uploaded On: Jan 1 8:24:48 2004
Description: I was on summer vacation one day and I was uberly bored, so I drew a picture that was inspried by FLCL. I sorta like how it came out, even though it was completely drawn in pen XD
Image Properties: 628x813 151.42 kb
Title: Dizzy [ Computer/Video Game :: Gulty Gear ] By: Miaka-chan
Uploaded On: Jan 1 8:20:00 2004
Description: One of my first good fanarts in a long long time. XD
Image Properties: 501x703 111.38 kb
Title: Tora & Imitaimon [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: rena-chan
Uploaded On: Dec 31 21:39:03 2003
Charcters: Patamon
Description: I drew a picture of Tora & Tai there best firends :)(Imitaimon) tai is (c) to gemmiperri!
Image Properties: 300x300 109.04 kb
Title: tora [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: rena-chan
Uploaded On: Dec 31 21:32:14 2003
Charcters: Patamon
Description: tora w/ a dicription of me!
Image Properties: 300x400 50.7 kb
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