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Title: Meowthgal [ Miscellaneous :: Catgirl/boy-Cat Creatures ] By: Tanya64002
Uploaded On: Dec 30 11:21:23 2003
Description: This is a pic I drew for my friend, MG (Meowthgal), she's suck a good friend I decided to draw something for her ^_^ and this is it! Please C&C!
Image Properties: 979x1052 16.01 kb
Title: One time at band camp... [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Tanya64002
Uploaded On: Dec 30 11:19:37 2003
Description: I was miserable... that's put simply... I hate marching band! X( Oh well, please C&C!
Image Properties: 246x722 4.19 kb
Title: Starved - inked version [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Tanya64002
Uploaded On: Dec 30 11:16:01 2003
Description: This is a random piccu of what happened once when Tsuku beat my character for the title head bitch (like an alpha, except it's for vulpix-girls or fox girls) and Tanya ended up dying because somehow she began to get skinnier by the second... o.o;; Please C read more
Image Properties: 409x455 4.43 kb
Title: Embracing the Knife of Ice [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Tanya64002
Uploaded On: Dec 30 11:08:06 2003
Description: This is just a pic I drew, what she's holding to her chest is supposed to be a knife made of ice o.o;; heh... I got the idea for it from Koori no Naifu wo Daite from Yu Yu Hakusho. Please C&C!
Image Properties: 2129x1497 20.44 kb
Title: One Kiss [ Miscellaneous :: Romance ] By: Tanya64002
Uploaded On: Dec 30 11:05:00 2003
Description: Basically, this is a pic I drew for my boyfriend's birthday. Heh, it's been finished for a while and I already sent it to him, I decided to put it up here though. This is just the inked version, I have a colored verson too. Please C&C!
Image Properties: 526x714 10.42 kb
Title: Fight Scene [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Tanya64002
Uploaded On: Dec 30 11:00:05 2003
Description: This is a piccu I drew of my character (Tanya) being strangled by a random guy ^^;; heh, well, the random guy ended up being a guy from school who died before we got to 7th grade called Matt (I think... I dun really remember...) Anywho! Please C&C!
Image Properties: 617x503 418.3 kb
Title: Halo, Blitz, and Me [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Tanya64002
Uploaded On: Dec 30 10:49:11 2003
Description: Heh, this is a picture of me, my boyfriend, and my friend David (White hair as Blitz calls him) lol, I just drew this once, dun know why, but it was fun to draw! ^~^ Please C&C!
Image Properties: 1615x1019 271.31 kb
Title: Pimpin' It [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Solitaire and Xpyne
Uploaded On: Dec 30 5:33:47 2003
Charcters: Kaiba Seto, Yami, Yuugi Mutou
Description: Seto Kaiba and his bitches. *^__^* Please review if you like it.
Image Properties: 660x454 82.45 kb
View (16) Visitor Reviews
Title: Seto and Joey [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Merle-chan Kanasuki
Uploaded On: Dec 29 19:50:36 2003
Charcters: Jounouchi Katsuya, Kaiba Seto
Description: 'k i don't have a good title, yeah, again Seto an' Joey XD Sorry!! I just love how they look together!!! *o*... ?_? -_-;; dun ask
Image Properties: 454x502 57.61 kb
View (3) Visitor Reviews
Title: Kero [ Anime/Manga :: Card Captor Sakura ] By: DeathsAngel
Uploaded On: Dec 29 16:51:45 2003
Charcters: Kero-chan
Description: kawaii Kero sitting pretty.
Image Properties: 280x415 11.03 kb
Title: Kaho Mizuki [ Anime/Manga :: Card Captor Sakura ] By: DeathsAngel
Uploaded On: Dec 29 16:50:30 2003
Charcters: Mizuki Kaho
Image Properties: 332x445 15.83 kb
Title: Hajime [ Anime/Manga :: Pretear ] By: DeathsAngel
Uploaded On: Dec 29 16:42:35 2003
Description: This is the kawaii Leafe Knight Hajime.
Image Properties: 364x372 16.14 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: I'll Met By Starlight [ Anime/Manga :: Ranma 1/2 ] By: empty
Uploaded On: Dec 29 14:56:54 2003
Charcters: Akane Tendo, Fan Created Characters, Ranma/Ranko Saotome, Shampoo
Description: This is a poster for a very dark Ranma fan-fic, the name of the fic is 'I'll Met By Starlight' (you can find it at http://www.thekeep.org/~mike/imbs.html) btw the uper left character isn't Ryoga (spoiler ^^)
Image Properties: 579x800 203.16 kb
View (6) Visitor Reviews
Title: First Kuroro Drawing [ Anime/Manga :: Hunter X Hunter ] By: Daiji
Uploaded On: Dec 29 0:11:40 2003
Charcters: Kuroro
Description: Couldn't think of a nice, cool pose, so this will do. And once I have my PC back, then he'll be retouched on Photoshop.
Image Properties: 315x589 49.21 kb
Title: That's Commander Shinomori to you! [ Anime/Manga :: Rurouni Kenshin ] By: Daiji
Uploaded On: Dec 29 0:07:16 2003
Charcters: Shinomori Aoshi
Description: My interpretation of his character as Lt. Cmdr. Shinomori in Cherie Dee's "What Matters Most".
Image Properties: 319x608 29.98 kb
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