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Title: Gohan/ Super SayainMan! [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: PhoenixFirecat
Uploaded On: Dec 31 14:50:27 2003
Charcters: Gohan
Description: Ok, I realize this is from DBZ, but I didn't realize I wrote DBGT unlike I penned the picture. I was watching DBGT while fixing this up so yeah....Anyways, I got voice actor Kyle Hebert's autograph on this, also. What's great is he remembered it when I sho read more
Image Properties: 522x708 186.78 kb
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Title: Julia Diggers [ Miscellaneous :: Gold Diggers ] By: PhoenixFirecat
Uploaded On: Dec 31 14:42:25 2003
Description: WooHoo!! thanks to my persistence, there is a GD category!! I happy!! =^_^=!! Oh, yeah, after showing this to Fred Perry (I was about to faint at this!), he said it was good. Then, the wonderful man drew a picture of me in my neko-shojo costume as though I read more
Image Properties: 587x781 198.43 kb
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Title: The Perfect Soldier [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: PhoenixFirecat
Uploaded On: Dec 31 14:36:32 2003
Charcters: Heero
Description: Ah yes, Heero. Not much I can say about this one. It'd be great if could meet this voice actor, but he never comes to A-Kon. I ran outta room for Heero's hair...grrr...
Image Properties: 608x789 207.73 kb
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Title: Shinigami [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: PhoenixFirecat
Uploaded On: Dec 31 14:31:23 2003
Charcters: Duo Maxwell
Description: This is the first non-Pokemon anime pic I've drawn. My copy of is has Scott McNeill's autograph on it from when I met him at A-Kon 13. For those that don't know, Scott is the voice actor who plays Duo.
Image Properties: 581x662 162.6 kb
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Title: Zero's Hair 3. [ Computer/Video Game :: Megaman X ] By: Vile Deadboss
Uploaded On: Dec 31 12:35:02 2003
Charcters: Zero
Description: Last page! This one is my favorite.
Image Properties: 754x981 182.25 kb
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Title: Zero's hair 2. [ Computer/Video Game :: Megaman X ] By: Vile Deadboss
Uploaded On: Dec 31 12:32:03 2003
Charcters: Zero
Description: Cont. from Zero's hair. I like how Axl's face turned out.
Image Properties: 756x968 169.35 kb
Title: Zero's Hair. [ Computer/Video Game :: Megaman X ] By: Vile Deadboss
Uploaded On: Dec 31 12:28:24 2003
Charcters: Zero
Description: Comic from X7, sister asked a question about Zero and that inspired me to draw it into a comic. o-ov
Image Properties: 761x975 188.65 kb
Title: GirlScout Axl [ Computer/Video Game :: Megaman X ] By: Vile Deadboss
Uploaded On: Dec 31 12:22:08 2003
Description: First time attempt at Axl without armor and a gift for a friend! Maverick cookies anyone?
Image Properties: 354x760 55.55 kb
Title: Doodle [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Bikuki_Chan
Uploaded On: Dec 31 11:17:09 2003
Description: Medium: Oekaki Date: 2003 subject: doodle - pointless doodling.. just color sampling.many many flaws are easy to note.This was just to perfect coloring,or try different styles of coloring. -bikuki-
Image Properties: 300x300 79.16 kb
Title: Trapped inside your desire [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Other ] By: Bikuki_Chan
Uploaded On: Dec 31 11:07:38 2003
Description: Medium: Oekaki Date: 2003 Subject: lolita - After reading a short poem by Lewis Caroll, I was inspired to draw this peice.A lil' girl crying holding her doll. There is a whole background about this, but I'd rather not go into depth.
Image Properties: 450x599 31.28 kb
Title: Un dia normal [ Miscellaneous :: Music/Musicians ] By: Bikuki_Chan
Uploaded On: Dec 31 10:52:59 2003
Description: Medium: Oekaki Date: 2003 subject: Juanes - a very handsome,sexy spanish musician.
Image Properties: 400x400 49.34 kb
Title: Forbidden Child [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Piccolo's Girl
Uploaded On: Dec 30 20:55:11 2003
Charcters: Hiei
Description: I may change this, but right now, I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out. I still got a lot to learn in adobe.... *huggles Hiei-kun*
Image Properties: 505x687 39.09 kb
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Title: Riku.. [ Computer/Video Game :: Kingdom Hearts ] By: FuuChan
Uploaded On: Dec 30 20:27:35 2003
Charcters: Riku
Description: Egh. I drew this for my friend TM. X.x It sucks, but I think she'll like it. And don't ask me why I shaded his hair like that. O__o
Image Properties: 639x850 43.14 kb
Title: Pretty elf dude.. [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: FuuChan
Uploaded On: Dec 30 20:21:25 2003
Description: Eh. This be Tsuya Higurashi. Ain't he purdy? ^^
Image Properties: 829x865 63.26 kb
Title: Ferio [ Anime/Manga :: Rayearth ] By: DeathsAngel
Uploaded On: Dec 30 16:35:41 2003
Description: I used a normal pen to draw it, and for once I don't think it turned out that bad.
Image Properties: 364x388 15.06 kb
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