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Title: Gohan and Goten on the Nimbus Cloud [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: cherryblossom0286
Uploaded On: Dec 19 22:20:15 2003
Charcters: Garlic Jr., Gohan, Goten
Description: This is my first attempt to draw Gohan and Goten ^_^
Image Properties: 899x819 35.2 kb
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Title: Rendezvous with Fate :: Chapter 4 :: Kodachi/ Akane [ Anime/Manga :: Ranma 1/2 ] By: iCe An6el
Uploaded On: Dec 19 18:07:01 2003
Charcters: Kodachi Kuno
Description: made for fic: Rendezvous with Fate Archived here. made for me by: MJ Akane's in Kodachi's body. This is the dinner scene in Chapter 4.
Image Properties: 439x606 36.83 kb
Title: Rendezvous with Fate Chapter 2: Kodachi/Akane [ Anime/Manga :: Ranma 1/2 ] By: iCe An6el
Uploaded On: Dec 19 18:01:04 2003
Charcters: Kodachi Kuno
Description: Made for Fanfic: Rendezvous with Fate, archived here. Made for me by my good friend MJ. If you're confused why it's labeled Kodachi/Akane... well Akane is in Kodachi's body. If you're intrigued, read Rendezvous with fate. :)
Image Properties: 400x490 42.13 kb
Title: Harry Potter: IN NOVEMBER. [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: Orin^_^
Uploaded On: Dec 19 13:01:20 2003
Charcters: Harry Potter
Description: The Final Confrontation. Harry, outside Hogwarts. Dying. With snow. Inspired by Telanu's invocative In November fic. '_'
Image Properties: 413x558 115.56 kb
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Title: Sailor Neptune: OCEANSOUL [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Orin^_^
Uploaded On: Dec 19 12:52:18 2003
Charcters: Sailor Neptune
Description: Mores oldishness. For Bri-chan because she cheers me up. Michiru, a sea setting, crappiness and a Vanessa Mae-inspired violin. .__.
Image Properties: 586x547 110.2 kb
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Title: This Kiss [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: WolfietheSamurai1985
Uploaded On: Dec 19 12:50:29 2003
Charcters: Aeris, Cloud Strife
Description: I have this up at Fanart Central as well, but I couldn't resist showing it to everyone at MediaMiner, either! This is my first drawing of a couple kissing, and I think it turned out great.
Image Properties: 447x604 27.03 kb
Title: Sailor Moon: GENESIS [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Orin^_^
Uploaded On: Dec 19 12:44:56 2003
Charcters: Princess Serenity, Sailor Moon, Tsukino Usagi
Description: An old Sailor Moon pic. Or rather, Princess Serenity. Too many mistakes worth mentioning, but hey, shiny and that's what counts, right?
Image Properties: 470x600 111.06 kb
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Title: Sassy Cat [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Natallia
Uploaded On: Dec 19 12:29:51 2003
Description: This is my Ren-Kitty in a very...different outfit. :-D You likes? I made her look very unique with her facial features.
Image Properties: 790x1200 86.22 kb
Title: Onyx-Joe and Me [ Books/Stories/Comics :: X-Men ] By: Natallia
Uploaded On: Dec 19 12:26:14 2003
Charcters: Original Character
Description: Both my fiance and I drew this for a friend of mine. I did most of it, but Joseph helped me with the hair.
Image Properties: 862x1200 83.22 kb
Title: Rune in Costumer [ Books/Stories/Comics :: X-Men ] By: Natallia
Uploaded On: Dec 19 12:20:33 2003
Charcters: Original Character
Description: This Faylynn/Rune, another friend's character. This is the first draft of her in her costume. I like how the shading turned out. :-D
Image Properties: 871x910 85.01 kb
Title: Kagome leaning on Inuyasha [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: byakko_13
Uploaded On: Dec 19 11:11:13 2003
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Description: Copied from a picture I printed off the internet and NO it's not traced like everyone askes me...those fools
Image Properties: 460x339 19.73 kb
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Title: Stick Vegeta gets Attacked by Weasels [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Vegeta Goddess
Uploaded On: Dec 19 6:17:55 2003
Charcters: Vegeta
Description: This was the fourth of my 'Stick Vegeta' drawings done allllll those years ago in 1998. If you want to be part of an inside joke to do with this picture then read my fic 'Temptation Waits' and allll will become clear! I thought it was time I showed the wor read more
Image Properties: 327x340 5.68 kb
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Title: Stick Vegeta VS Sally the Savage Weiner Dog [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Vegeta Goddess
Uploaded On: Dec 19 6:16:52 2003
Charcters: Vegeta
Description: This was the third of my 'Stick Vegeta' drawings done allllll those years ago in 1998. I thought it was time I showed the world my 'stick Vegeta' side again. Oh and if you'd like to see the other stick Vegeta drawings you have only ot email me!
Image Properties: 327x340 7.92 kb
Title: Stick Vegeta Dons a Dress [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Vegeta Goddess
Uploaded On: Dec 19 6:15:48 2003
Charcters: Vegeta
Description: This was the 5th of my 'Stick Vegeta' drawings done allllll those years ago in 1998. I thought it was time I showed the world my 'stick Vegeta' side again. Oh and if you'd like to see the other stick Vegeta drawings you have only ot email me!
Image Properties: 333x328 8.12 kb
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Title: Stick Vegat Plays the Banjo [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Vegeta Goddess
Uploaded On: Dec 19 6:13:34 2003
Charcters: Vegeta
Description: This was the second of my 'Stick Vegeta' drawings done allllll those years ago in 1998. I thought it was time I showed the world my 'stick Vegeta' side again. Oh and if you'd like to see the other stick Vegeta drawings you have only ot email me!
Image Properties: 304x336 5.04 kb
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