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Title: Cast Supremacy [ Computer/Video Game :: Phantasy Star Online ] By: lunachan579
Uploaded On: May 28 15:36:44 2008
Description: I drew this after playing Phantasy Star Universe for hours and hours.... yea I was bored, done on OpenCanvas
Image Properties: 792x670 443.22 kb
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Title: Alice [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Alice In Wonderland ] By: lunachan579
Uploaded On: May 28 15:34:40 2008
Description: I did this on one of my new art programs a while back, it's a pretty bad picture, so I apologize for that!
Image Properties: 648x648 26.13 kb
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Title: Naruto - ch 3 [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Pappi
Uploaded On: May 26 20:33:16 2008
Charcters: Naruto
Description: yeah... not a lot of effort... But this is Naruto's outfit, search Kabuki for more reference. (will draw yaoi later..... for some Naruto yaoi, go to Papernoodle.deviantart.com, my art page, but its 18+ so beware.........)
Image Properties: 260x300 33.76 kb
Title: Petunia(Tuny) & Daisy [ Miscellaneous :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Wildcreature
Uploaded On: May 24 16:35:05 2008
Description: Petunia(Tuny) & Daisy sisters till death.
Image Properties: 600x424 121.55 kb
Title: Sanctuary [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: kodiaqkitten
Uploaded On: May 24 16:11:35 2008
Charcters: Original Character, Sesshomaru
Description: Sesshoumaru and Misery as depicted by KryptoInuyasha. Please check out her other art at Deviantart.com!
Image Properties: 800x615 409.8 kb
Title: Cila, Hiei and Child [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Keih
Uploaded On: May 23 23:51:32 2008
Charcters: Hiei
Description: The child sadly, doesn't have a name yet! lol The woman sleeping is Cila another oc. She's for another new story I'm writting called "If This Is Living". She's actually a girl from Hiei's past of course, i won't give away it all, that'd ruin the fun after read more
Image Properties: 1024x689 190.11 kb
Title: Hiei x Reiuzuna [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Keih
Uploaded On: May 23 23:47:47 2008
Charcters: Hiei
Description: Okay, so this is my more recent image. I actually just finished coloring this yesterday or so. Anyways, it's an image of Hiei and Reiuzune. WHo is Reiuzune you ask? She's an oc (original character) that I've made for my newest fan fiction "It's My Job" whi read more
Image Properties: 768x1344 449.64 kb
Title: Scarlet Woman [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Song Of A Fallen Angel
Uploaded On: May 23 16:46:06 2008
Charcters: Bishoujo
Description: This is yet another character who doesn't belong to any anime or any of my stories. I drew her mainly because I was experimenting with dress folds. And yes she has an excess of buckles XD In general, I like how she turned out--especially the hands, which a read more
Image Properties: 784x1904 211.5 kb
Title: Cloaked Girl [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Song Of A Fallen Angel
Uploaded On: May 23 16:41:30 2008
Charcters: Warrior
Description: This is one of my oldest pictures, but also one that I'm very happy with ^_^ Except for the hand. The hands I draw generally either turn out really good or really crappy...Anyways, this character isn't from any particular story; she's just someone who popp read more
Image Properties: 782x1757 181.13 kb
Title: Torikago Akatsuki [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Song Of A Fallen Angel
Uploaded On: May 23 16:34:51 2008
Description: This is yet another picture that I did quite a while ago; almost a year, I think. Akatsuki is one of the characters for a story that I'm working on with a friend. We've got the entire plot planned out but I don't know if we'll ever get around to actually w read more
Image Properties: 640x1296 116.66 kb
Title: Kana the Neko-jin [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Song Of A Fallen Angel
Uploaded On: May 23 16:26:00 2008
Charcters: Original Character
Description: Eh, this is one I did a while ago but only just recently got around to putting up on my Deviantart account. Though in general I love how it turned out--the trench coat was insane to do--I absolutely hate the left hand. I'm just to lazy to change it ^^' Kan read more
Image Properties: 944x1824 250.29 kb
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Title: Fishing For Piccolo Doujinshi - Page 1 [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: VegetaDaimoh
Uploaded On: May 20 16:43:51 2008
Charcters: Piccolo (Ma Junior)
Description: *Gohan, Goku, and Krillen are leaning over the railing of their fishing boat.* Gohan: Remember how we used to this at our lake in the mountains, Dad? Goku: Yep! Just like old times. I wonder how big the fish in the ocean are going to be?
Image Properties: 425x585 65.89 kb
Title: Fan Art For Surrender Story [ Computer/Video Game :: Megaman X ] By: ImpatientSnake
Uploaded On: May 15 14:54:37 2008
Charcters: X, Zero
Description: Just a sketch I did during class. Not the greatest thing I've ever done anatomically but it's a cute illustration for my fan fic--Surrender. X is standing over Zero -- who's seated the wheel chair-- being shyly affectionate.
Image Properties: 568x887 119.98 kb
Title: Teh Piccolo Mermaid! [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: VegetaDaimoh
Uploaded On: May 13 22:50:26 2008
Charcters: Piccolo (Ma Junior)
Description: I was up all night doing guard duty (Tikrit, Iraq 2004), and everyone had doodled all over the desk except me. I really liked the little sketch of Piccolo's face (the red ink) that my friend drew, so I ended up drawing the rest of Piccolo. And then I got s read more
Image Properties: 1000x897 141.67 kb
Title: Swan Lake [ TV Series/Movie :: Powerpuff Girls ] By: PrincessSerenity43
Uploaded On: May 12 17:01:08 2008
Description: I had to put it under Powerpuff girls beacuse Dexter's lab was not listed. The cast of Dexter's lab is dancing Swan Lake. I am a ballet fan. If you dunno who's paired up with who, here are pairs: Deedee and Mandark and Olga/Lalavava and Dexter. Hope ya lik read more
Image Properties: 1648x1265 413.91 kb
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