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Title: Kuchiki Byakuya [ Anime/Manga :: Bleach ] By: Quirky
Uploaded On: Mar 2 15:48:51 2008
Charcters: Kuchiki Byakuya
Description: B&W Byakuya
Image Properties: 344x368 24.35 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Dance Kagura Dance [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Evanne
Uploaded On: Mar 2 12:03:36 2008
Charcters: Kagura
Description: Kagura wearing BCBG.
Image Properties: 638x878 85.73 kb
Title: Piano Daze : Kagome Higurashi [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Evanne
Uploaded On: Mar 2 11:56:01 2008
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi
Description: Kagome for my upcoming fanfic.
Image Properties: 1755x1275 457.45 kb
Title: Lovely Sango [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Evanne
Uploaded On: Mar 2 11:51:20 2008
Charcters: Sango
Description: Sango wearing Prada, for an upcoming fanfic of mine
Image Properties: 1755x1275 214.07 kb
Title: red hair [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: Zayari
Uploaded On: Mar 1 15:30:10 2008
Image Properties: 545x537 70.63 kb
Title: harry potter [ TV Series/Movie :: Harry Potter ] By: Zayari
Uploaded On: Mar 1 15:29:37 2008
Image Properties: 721x586 143.81 kb
Title: th [ Books/Stories/Comics :: n/a ] By: Zayari
Uploaded On: Mar 1 15:28:46 2008
Image Properties: 389x284 35.31 kb
Title: batalla lost [ Books/Stories/Comics :: n/a ] By: Zayari
Uploaded On: Mar 1 15:26:53 2008
Image Properties: 820x567 110.4 kb
Title: Girl In Kinmono [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Lina A Rose
Uploaded On: Feb 28 21:57:20 2008
Charcters: Humanoid
Description: one of my actual drawings here. I had a lot of help from my friend and I appreciate all the help. I hope you all like!
Image Properties: 610x807 53.42 kb
Title: Bacabello Stallion [ Miscellaneous :: Animal(s) ] By: rollaroach
Uploaded On: Feb 28 15:16:35 2008
Charcters: Horses
Description: The bacabello Breed belongs to silverglass19 at Deviantart. The character itself is mine. His name is Yashu'Rai. Done with colored pencils and sharpie.
Image Properties: 700x517 182.77 kb
Title: Boredom Munchies II [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: Crimson Valor
Uploaded On: Feb 26 16:28:38 2008
Charcters: Edward Elric
Description: Remake of my original Boredom Munchies pic.
Image Properties: 856x1352 174.56 kb
Title: Yokai and Asakei [ Miscellaneous :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: RuneWarriorGal07
Uploaded On: Feb 25 16:35:53 2008
Image Properties: 722x1024 90.67 kb
Title: Gadget Rhoads on stage [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: DavidRocker
Uploaded On: Feb 24 0:52:42 2008
Description: This second picture I have drawn is Gadget Rhoads again this time, she is performing live on stage playing her masculine, human, real-life counterpart Randy Rhoads' Gibson Les Paul Custom rather than the Polka Dot Flying V on the last picture. Hope this on read more
Image Properties: 1666x1993 363.04 kb
Title: Bleeding Music [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: Magami
Uploaded On: Feb 23 18:24:31 2008
Description: I drew this for my friend a while back when I was bored. Way random.
Image Properties: 780x999 72.32 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Graduation [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: RyuuMahou
Uploaded On: Feb 22 15:34:33 2008
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Description: A pic that I made to go with my fic 'Graduation.' I did have a better picture, but my computer is being stupid and contracted a virus, or something, so I had to quickly whip this one up.
Image Properties: 603x1000 125.73 kb
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