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Title: What are you looking at? [ Miscellaneous :: Animal(s) ] By: Originally_Defiantly_Brilliant
Uploaded On: Feb 22 10:20:59 2008
Charcters: Horses
Description: Quick sketch, funny.
Image Properties: 692x559 105.14 kb
Title: Old Shetland [ Miscellaneous :: Animal(s) ] By: Originally_Defiantly_Brilliant
Uploaded On: Feb 22 10:02:39 2008
Charcters: Horses
Description: Ya, here's another one. Though, with this one I was so displeased with the quote that I put next to it awhile back, that I cropped it out.
Image Properties: 470x443 76.69 kb
Title: I have your attention [ Miscellaneous :: Animal(s) ] By: Originally_Defiantly_Brilliant
Uploaded On: Feb 22 9:48:38 2008
Charcters: Horses
Description: I draw horses, I do, so sue me.
Image Properties: 800x600 78.08 kb
Title: Dominic Deegan [ Books/Stories/Comics :: n/a ] By: Calcifer
Uploaded On: Feb 22 8:09:41 2008
Description: Dominic Deegan. Apparently not the worlds most popular comic, but if you haven't read it then you're missing out. So go, right now and read: http://dominic-deegan.com
Image Properties: 1225x1523 113.77 kb
Title: Cute Little Mercenary [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: Spilled Milk
Uploaded On: Feb 21 13:25:51 2008
Description: Isn't she cute? At first she was going to be a Magical Girl, but I decided she needed an axe instead of a wand.
Image Properties: 756x1168 117.08 kb
Title: Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: Spilled Milk
Uploaded On: Feb 21 10:32:33 2008
Description: I've always adored the Beatles song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" and I picture the most beautiful imagery when I hear it. So, this is Lucy staring at the sky and daydreaming.
Image Properties: 1136x830 177.61 kb
Title: Everyone's favorite Cake Faerie [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Ice_Sick_El
Uploaded On: Feb 20 17:57:14 2008
Charcters: FanFiction Linked Art
Description: It's Gin from the Purity Series... I took some artistic license with the dress... i know its not quite what the writer described and the same with the wings but I like it anyway :P for those of you who haven't read it... Do so! It's an awesome series... ht read more
Image Properties: 1080x1440 141.32 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: another inuyasha kagome [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: darkzonewitch
Uploaded On: Feb 19 14:59:45 2008
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi
Description: I am still having problems with my hands but i like this one better
Image Properties: 389x525 37.99 kb
Title: Yakubimaru and Grappler Gouf [ Anime/Manga :: SD Gundam ] By: May-VeggieGirl1
Uploaded On: Feb 17 16:50:16 2008
Description: http://demandincompensation.deviantart.com/art/ABOUT-TIME-77670039 I finally designed him. D: This is a scene from a chapter that is not posted yet... and probably won't be posted for a lonngggg time.
Image Properties: 500x500 25.36 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: inuyasha valentines in color [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: darkzonewitch
Uploaded On: Feb 14 16:23:04 2008
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi
Description: I made the valentines pic into color
Image Properties: 975x1353 271.46 kb
View (2) Visitor Reviews
Title: inuyasha valentines [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: darkzonewitch
Uploaded On: Feb 14 15:26:38 2008
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi
Description: This isn't my best drawing, I am suffering from some sort of unknown nerve condition my hands are shaky and I can't walk. I had an MRI yesterday and I am waiting for the results I hope you like it anyway.
Image Properties: 975x1353 238.58 kb
Title: Inuyasha in Repose [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: FlameTwirler
Uploaded On: Feb 14 11:57:03 2008
Charcters: FanFiction Linked Art, Inuyasha
Description: Inuyasha is napping and peeking out at whoever woke him up. *hopefully me first fanart for Shrine Prostitute*
Image Properties: 800x586 119.27 kb
Title: Terrible Things to Waste: Arc I Cover Art Part 3 [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Bastion
Uploaded On: Feb 14 10:32:25 2008
Description: Fanfiction linked Fanart by Setsu-P. Cover art for Arc I of Terrible Things to Waste. Characters from left to right: *censored*, Halebit/Nihil, Saturn, Malance. Please visit Setsu-P's website http://www.iguananet.us/rmwerx/
Image Properties: 758x1024 132 kb
Title: Terrible Things to Waste: Arc I Cover Art Part 2 [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Bastion
Uploaded On: Feb 14 10:29:47 2008
Description: Fanfiction linked Fanart by Setsu-P. Cover art for Arc I of Terrible Things to Waste. Characters from left to right: Tracer, Jupiter, *censored*, Mars. Please visit Setsu-P's website http://www.iguananet.us/rmwerx/
Image Properties: 836x1024 160.29 kb
Title: Terrible Things to Waste: Arc I Cover Art Part 1 [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Bastion
Uploaded On: Feb 14 10:24:19 2008
Description: Fanfiction linked Fanart by Setsu-P. Cover art for Arc I of Terrible Things to Waste. Characters from left to right: Pluto, Reenie, Cindy, and Serena. Please visit Setsu-P's website http://www.iguananet.us/rmwerx/
Image Properties: 777x1024 175.43 kb
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