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Title: Almost Kiss [ TV Series/Movie :: Avatar the Last Airbender ] By: Ice_Sick_El
Uploaded On: Dec 6 9:55:37 2007
Charcters: Katara, Prince Zuko
Description: I've been listening to Disney music....haha give me love and views please! feel free to say something silly in the comments... it makes my day
Image Properties: 700x850 37.27 kb
Title: In Chains [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: Honey Nut Loop
Uploaded On: Dec 4 11:59:09 2007
Charcters: Tidus
Description: Tidus in acrylics.
Image Properties: 584x813 78.68 kb
Title: Ed [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: Honey Nut Loop
Uploaded On: Dec 3 13:09:07 2007
Charcters: Edward Elric
Description: Edward Elric in acrylics
Image Properties: 635x820 71.23 kb
Title: Alisha [ Miscellaneous :: Realism ] By: Dark Dragon Master
Uploaded On: Dec 2 18:35:39 2007
Charcters: Portrait / Portraits
Description: This is my first attempt at corel painter. I hate the shirt and the other eye... but other than that I kinda like how it came out. Feel free to leave a comment telling me what you think.
Image Properties: 500x500 108.37 kb
Title: Squall [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: Honey Nut Loop
Uploaded On: Dec 1 6:27:04 2007
Charcters: Squall Leonhart
Description: Squall in acrylics.
Image Properties: 685x604 47.65 kb
Title: .:.BANG.:. [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Lady LionHeart
Uploaded On: Nov 29 0:27:22 2007
Image Properties: 395x446 212.35 kb
Title: PREEEEEEETTY BLUE LIGHT [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Lynxzeo
Uploaded On: Nov 27 17:36:31 2007
Description: my uxie. GIJINKA. design copyright me.
Image Properties: 600x500 22.81 kb
Title: Schoolgirl Kisara [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: YoshiM
Uploaded On: Nov 27 14:16:10 2007
Charcters: Kisara
Description: Kisara! If she had been reincarnated into an actual person and not some little trading card. She's sad because the Domino High School uniforms are hideous. :c Kisara from Yuugiou: Shin Duel Monsters © Kazuki Takahashi
Image Properties: 360x576 201.1 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Of Dog Gods & Mortals, Temple Map [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: bookworm810
Uploaded On: Nov 27 4:48:56 2007
Description: A map of the temple in my Inuyasha fanfic Of Dog Gods & Mortals. Please excuse the poor quality, but I never claimed to be an artist.
Image Properties: 550x514 36.4 kb
Title: White Rose: Inu in a Bush [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: lil6ter
Uploaded On: Nov 26 13:47:09 2007
Charcters: FanFiction Linked Art, Inuyasha
Description: This picture is based off of Fanfiction White Rose, and was inspired by that story. This is when Inu is staring out at Mr. Higurashi from afar. I drew it by hand at first, then I later scanned it into the computer to color it in Corel. Here is the summa read more
Image Properties: 768x1024 97.87 kb
Title: supernumary [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Alanna-Twins
Uploaded On: Nov 25 4:58:55 2007
Description: the statists from mine and my twinsister RenaTheBlackRose. The names: 1: Glas (Glass) 2: Mercedez 3: Salem 4: Len 5: Peach 6: Hony 7: Mo 8: Cissie 9: Cassiopeia 10: Kou-chan
Image Properties: 826x590 67.5 kb
Title: Halloween Kanda [ Anime/Manga :: D.Gray-man ] By: Alanna-Twins
Uploaded On: Nov 25 4:23:25 2007
Description: It's Kanda from D. Gray-man... Lavi made him wear that..... Aren't he cute?
Image Properties: 405x679 63.97 kb
Title: Ren and Bya [ Anime/Manga :: Bleach ] By: Alanna-Twins
Uploaded On: Nov 25 4:11:27 2007
Charcters: Aburai Renji, Kuchiki Byakuya
Description: You can see who it is, nee? My fav-bleach-couple!
Image Properties: 349x398 26.12 kb
Title: The Shiseiten [ Anime/Manga :: Samurai Deeper Kyo ] By: Alanna-Twins
Uploaded On: Nov 25 3:46:57 2007
Charcters: Akira, Hotaru
Description: Hmm, dunno if i spelled shiseiten right..... 'Nyway, it's Akira, Hotaru, Bon and Akari from 4 years ago.... I gave Akari the same clothes he wears in book 22.....(when's 23 gonna come on swedish? irretating, it's supposed to be on vol 32 by now, but the do read more
Image Properties: 429x600 63.45 kb
Title: NarutoUzumaki [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: FlashLightningX
Uploaded On: Nov 24 16:47:30 2007
Charcters: Naruto
Description: Naruto Uzumaki, giving a nice 'hehe, I told you,' face. :)
Image Properties: 565x827 64.92 kb
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