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Title: Sai [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Inujin
Uploaded On: Sep 29 19:09:31 2007
Charcters: Original Character
Description: First and formost this was not made by me, it was made by my friend Brandy Enox. All credit for the drawing goes to her. This is a drawing of my original character Sai introduced in chapter six of my story " Village Of Demons " he is a half dog demon like read more
Image Properties: 678x1070 62.8 kb
Title: Darkness Waiting [ Mythological :: Demons/Gargoyles ] By: Screaming_Fan_Girl
Uploaded On: Sep 29 9:58:18 2007
Charcters: Devils
Description: I drew this in paint... I don't have adobe paintshop (much less know how to use it). There is a deeper meaning to it. Can you guess? This was based on a poem I had written, called "Three Evil Colors." That gives you a hint. -.0
Image Properties: 1168x763 47.5 kb
Title: Ash with Pika-chan [ Anime/Manga :: Pokemon ] By: shadowphantomness
Uploaded On: Sep 27 22:54:15 2007
Charcters: Ash, Pikachu
Description: A picture of Ash and Pika-chan, drawn in pencil, from my Card Captor Ashura fanfiction series.
Image Properties: 555x700 66.51 kb
Title: My friends and I ninja style [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: rishichan
Uploaded On: Sep 26 4:55:50 2007
Description: Sorry guys! i don't have photo shop or anything so can't really make this look pretty but i still hope you guys like it. It's me and my friends Ninja style :D Dee is on my left, i'm in the middle and manda is on the right :D PLEASE COMMENT >
Image Properties: 787x658 119.39 kb
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Title: White Rose [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: lil6ter
Uploaded On: Sep 25 16:29:06 2007
Charcters: FanFiction Linked Art, Original Character
Description: This is the cover art for my story White Rose. The story is curently posted. The Genre is romance...i might list it as something else too. Type, AU. Here is the summary for White Rose : Love. It's a funny thing, really. Over the years I have been read more
Image Properties: 600x750 137.22 kb
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Title: Venom (Film) [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Spiderman ] By: ggctuk
Uploaded On: Sep 25 5:36:33 2007
Charcters: Venom
Description: Venom, as interpreted in earlier versions of the concept art for the film Spider-Man 3, in the pose of Spidey from the cover of Spider-Man 1
Image Properties: 398x400 124.93 kb
Title: Muraki wallpaper [ Anime/Manga :: Yami No Matsuei ] By: chazmy
Uploaded On: Sep 23 23:00:05 2007
Charcters: Muraki
Description: Just something I throw together with photoshop ^_^
Image Properties: 1700x2191 438.74 kb
Title: The Weight On His Shoulder (Black And White) [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: lil6ter
Uploaded On: Sep 23 13:27:52 2007
Charcters: FanFiction Linked Art, Inuyasha
Description: A friend wanted me to post the original of my colored pic. it was drawn with pencils. sorry, i dont remember what type. The story is curently posted. Type AU. The Genre is romance...i might list it as something else too. Here is a summary for my story Whit read more
Image Properties: 700x943 135.32 kb
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Title: ShinSugi [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: ookami san the animelover
Uploaded On: Sep 21 14:43:55 2007
Description: Scanned in and colored in paint. =D
Image Properties: 270x828 38.71 kb
Title: Koraa [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: ookami san the animelover
Uploaded On: Sep 21 14:31:39 2007
Description: FULL VIEW FOR GOOD PICTURE. XDDD pixel squishing! --Not really fan art, but it's anime. =D Sketched on paper in .5 lead, inked thenscanned in and colored in Paint and Image composer 1.5. My best Digital-type art yet i think. -0-0 The change in how good my read more
Image Properties: 1000x1374 139.95 kb
Title: Chi-Chi [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: estecca
Uploaded On: Sep 19 11:34:17 2007
Charcters: Witch
Description: A portrait of Chi-Chi, the main character of my original story "Tough Old Birds". She's extremely hardcore. And old. Check it out on DA: http://estecca.deviantart.com/art/She-s-Out-To-Get-You-Colour-64351036
Image Properties: 702x991 498.98 kb
Title: Sister-in-Laws [ Anime/Manga :: SD Gundam ] By: May-VeggieGirl1
Uploaded On: Sep 19 6:44:38 2007
Description: My half of an art trade with Charon! Aneko, Bakunetsumaru's older sister, and Moriko, my original character from Tenmei: Hinomoto Botsu. :3 Enjoy the cuteness~
Image Properties: 450x300 36.53 kb
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Title: She belongs to ME [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Freya Ishtar
Uploaded On: Sep 18 22:56:06 2007
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi, Sesshomaru
Description: I used metallic gel-inks for Sesshomaru's line art. I was trying to set him apart from the rest of the image- being that he's technically an otherworldly being, and all.
Image Properties: 759x985 128.79 kb
View (2) Visitor Reviews
Title: Sunset [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Doujo
Uploaded On: Sep 18 20:15:18 2007
Description: First colored drawing I put on ^_^ I'm not sure there's still anyone looking at art here... but who knows XD if you wanna see more just go on my DA account... I'm not sure I'll have enough place here to put all of my art lol http://doujo.deviantart.com
Image Properties: 567x623 360.48 kb
Title: Fumi [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Alexandra-chan
Uploaded On: Sep 15 21:11:55 2007
Description: A charater I just made. I've named her Fumi.
Image Properties: 400x503 116.54 kb
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