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Title: Inuyasha - The modern tale [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Fluffy Shin
Uploaded On: Sep 15 12:22:13 2007
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Description: The so said cover of my FanFic: Inuyasha-The modern Tale. A nice story featuring Rumiko Takahashi`s carachters in a modern context: a thief and an arts student looking for the most wanted jewell on the black market. I think you`ll like it.
Image Properties: 1846x2203 210.91 kb
Title: Fenn Ice Cream [ Anime/Manga :: SD Gundam ] By: FennFeatherDragon
Uploaded On: Sep 13 18:19:41 2007
Image Properties: 1801x1164 125.36 kb
Title: I dunno... [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: Kiseki-chan
Uploaded On: Sep 13 16:27:21 2007
Charcters: Duo Maxwell
Description: This is the first drawing I post, it's based on an image of all the pilots just hanging. Anyhow, I'll appreciate reviews...!
Image Properties: 721x1059 153 kb
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Title: Silent Magician [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: cherriichan
Uploaded On: Sep 13 13:39:23 2007
Charcters: Duel Monsters Cards
Description: Yes...I can't believe i drew this -_-; Drew it for someone's birthday... ..don't ask. It's his favorite card, Silent Magician. I colored it, but i fail at coloring so this is the uncolored version. Drawn and outlined by me. Yu-gi-oh! and all characters in read more
Image Properties: 434x710 36.93 kb
Title: Misha's Wings -- Wake Up Angel [ Anime/Manga :: Pita Ten ] By: cherriichan
Uploaded On: Sep 13 13:36:29 2007
Charcters: Misha
Description: For those who have read Pita Ten, you probably saw this image before right? It's in the chapter where Misha wants to show her Wings to Kotarou. Drawn by me, colored by my friend Lazuri (she's not a mediaminer user) Misha and Pita Ten does not belong to me< read more
Image Properties: 800x800 186.29 kb
Title: Duo sketch [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: priscel
Uploaded On: Sep 12 17:23:58 2007
Charcters: Duo Maxwell
Description: I felt like drawing again ^_^ I made this a gift to Kracken *huggles her*
Image Properties: 658x879 231.68 kb
Title: Jimmy's new tatoo [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Metalic
Uploaded On: Sep 12 16:23:26 2007
Charcters: Bishounen
Description: This is Jimmy Hunter and Darren Collier from my fic 'Beware the Broken' (Yes...it needs a new title.) People aren't my strong point when it comes to drawing... but I had to try and draw this scene... not to mention I could definitely use some practice xD. read more
Image Properties: 467x600 204.7 kb
Title: Keara Red Dragon of Egypt [ Mythological :: Dragon/Dragons ] By: Red Dragon Of Egypt
Uploaded On: Sep 12 0:22:33 2007
Charcters: Western Dragons
Description: Pretty much the embodiment of my very heart and soul
Image Properties: 560x409 46.85 kb
Title: nar [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: inufreak8910
Uploaded On: Sep 10 20:07:03 2007
Description: uuuuummmm...hi!
Image Properties: 500x500 50.19 kb
Title: Harry Potter as Damien Darkolme [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: Sakura_Lisel
Uploaded On: Sep 10 16:05:52 2007
Charcters: Fan-created Characters, Harry Potter
Description: This fanart picture was created for me by Durihan (papersamurai00@gmail.com) for my Harry Potter/X-Men Evolution fanfic 'Tempest Mage'. This is supposed to be an AU version of Harry Potter the way he would look like in my story read more
Image Properties: 574x745 40.6 kb
Title: Zacasha: The Preverted Warrior [ Miscellaneous :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: RuneWarriorGal07
Uploaded On: Sep 9 19:52:58 2007
Description: I drew this for a friend cause he really wanted to be in my story i was working on, he gave me a discription and my hands did the rest. This was the end result
Image Properties: 1072x1728 246.3 kb
Title: Instant Mistake II [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Silver Lady Crazy
Uploaded On: Sep 8 1:46:46 2007
Charcters: Goku, Vegeta
Description: This is NOT Yaoi... and not a hentai, definitely. Just what happens if Goku uses his instant transmission in a very unproper moment. (lol)
Image Properties: 1153x1261 364.86 kb
View (2) Visitor Reviews
Title: Terra origional costume [ TV Series/Movie :: Teen Titans ] By: Sonic_The_Titan
Uploaded On: Sep 7 7:22:16 2007
Charcters: Terra
Description: Here's a picture of the cartoon Terra in the costume from the origional Teen Titans Terra. This is also the costume Terra is wearing at the end of chapter 9 of " A Hero's Decision."
Image Properties: 1049x1646 108.77 kb
Title: Ze Magic Muhduh Bahg [ TV Series/Movie :: Venture Bros. ] By: Phoenix Element
Uploaded On: Sep 6 18:56:10 2007
Charcters: Dean Venture, Dr. Killinger, Triana Orpheus
Description: Ze great Dr. Killinger putting his "magic murder bag" to good use. Subtle match-maker that he is, he has given Triana Dean's "secret secret secret hank-stay-out" diary. And Dean has been gifted with the Illustrated Big Book O' Kama Sutra (now with glossier read more
Image Properties: 624x800 129.2 kb
Title: The Little Brat [ Miscellaneous :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: blueeyedinali
Uploaded On: Sep 6 7:45:35 2007
Description: This is Amaya from my one-shot, titled the little brat. She may look cute but she is pure evil! I did this on the computer using photo-expulsion.
Image Properties: 551x1320 78.91 kb
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