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Title: Momo-chan [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Original ] By: Satsuko
Uploaded On: Oct 19 19:48:46 2003
Description: Kawaguchi Momoko For an online comic that I'd like to start...all popular girls must have a 'servent' of sorts, and dear Momo-chan has landed herself that spot.
Image Properties: 331x561 25.04 kb
Title: Miko on Rock [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Satsuko
Uploaded On: Oct 19 19:39:56 2003
Description: Something I drew for my website, which I still need to think up a layout for...
Image Properties: 570x680 56.5 kb
Title: Anime Addiction Guild [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Satsuko
Uploaded On: Oct 19 19:36:48 2003
Description: This was something I drew a long time ago, it's me and my group of online friends. We're kind of a club, and the two fighting were always fighting over who was more in charge. Well, neither are in charge now, so it's kinda out-of-date, but it's still funny read more
Image Properties: 530x630 58.68 kb
Title: Random Anime Girl [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Satsuko
Uploaded On: Oct 19 19:30:55 2003
Description: This was my first REAL attempt with a tablet. My friend told me it was deformed, but I'm proud enough of it!
Image Properties: 154x360 11.76 kb
Title: gothic Relic [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: ai-bo
Uploaded On: Oct 19 5:21:57 2003
Description: this is a fanart for the series by Kyla called "Fray.": http://fray.ksturgeon.com/main.html. Ain't he cute =D ?!
Image Properties: 1200x1200 375.42 kb
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Title: Wild ARMs Advanced 3rd - Clive [ Computer/Video Game :: Wild ARMs ] By: oonieyah
Uploaded On: Oct 18 22:01:02 2003
Description: There needs to be more fanart of Clive. ^^; He's so cool!!
Image Properties: 500x600 105.67 kb
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Title: Zodiac Personified [ Mythological :: Expression Spirits ] By: DivaSiren
Uploaded On: Oct 18 21:57:29 2003
Description: My first work, so if you review please be gentle. ^_^ Done in pencil on regular white paper, inked and then colored (badly) with Paint Shop Pro7. The order of the signs from top to bottom going clockwise - Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquariu read more
Image Properties: 1216x1552 254.95 kb
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Title: Yugi duo [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Firestorm_244
Uploaded On: Oct 18 21:15:47 2003
Charcters: Yami Yugi, Yugioh
Description: This pic came about as per the request of one Chen Jo, so be thankful to her (if you like it) I spent the day drawing this off and on. Though I would have liked it to look like they were laying in a bed of roses it didn't work out...
Image Properties: 624x700 88.5 kb
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Title: Tai-chan *¬* [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Merle-chan Kanasuki
Uploaded On: Oct 18 15:10:54 2003
Charcters: Taichi/Tai
Description: Well... i dunno... but I love it!! XD it's just my lovely Tai-chan *¬* I wanted this picture for a taito, but I'm so lazy, so i just drew Tai n_n. Well Many Miaus For You and Déwa Máta!!!
Image Properties: 612x770 73.78 kb
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Title: Sailor Paintbrush [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Kaioh_Michiru
Uploaded On: Oct 17 18:02:41 2003
Charcters: Fan-Created Characters
Description: Sailor Paintbrush. I'm a part of a requesting site that's still in the works. It's called Jigazou. We each had to come up with a Sailor Art Supply.... Mine is Sailor Paintbrush. ^_^ I'm really proud of her, actually.
Image Properties: 450x800 16.78 kb
Title: Professor Melpomene Stalther [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: Kaioh_Michiru
Uploaded On: Oct 17 17:59:56 2003
Charcters: Fan-created Characters
Description: Melpomene Euterpe Stalther. In my Harry Potter RPG she teaches Mythology. She's a very tragic character, hardly smiling and always dressing in dark colors. She's actually one of my favorite characters, very complex. ^_^ Enjoy!
Image Properties: 375x700 8.01 kb
Title: UrielxRaphael [ Mythological :: Angels ] By: MacElbereth
Uploaded On: Oct 17 17:04:08 2003
Charcters: Raphael
Description: The Archangel of Death, Uriel, and his lover the Archangel of Healing, Raphael doing some pretty unangelic things. ^_~ Both characters are from my angel RPG. (Raph is the one with the mutli colored hair; Uri's is black)
Image Properties: 319x400 82.48 kb
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Title: Azariel [ Mythological :: Angels ] By: MacElbereth
Uploaded On: Oct 17 17:02:15 2003
Description: The Angel of the Oceans, Azariel from my angel RPG.
Image Properties: 307x400 79.69 kb
Title: The Cross of White [ Anime/Manga :: Weiss Kreuz ] By: MacElbereth
Uploaded On: Oct 17 16:52:21 2003
Charcters: Aya Fujimiya
Description: A work for the Blade&Claw site contest, first real detailed background I've ever done.
Image Properties: 529x800 351.57 kb
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Title: Shuyo Senmonka [ TV Series/Movie :: X-Men ] By: Kaioh_Michiru
Uploaded On: Oct 17 15:16:25 2003
Charcters: Original Character
Description: Shuyo Senmonka, aka Ceres. ^_^ She's Shi's younger sister and Shio's twin. Again, I hope you like and e-mail me if you wish to know more about her! ^_^
Image Properties: 400x800 10.01 kb
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