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Title: Lita [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Randa-Chan
Uploaded On: Oct 31 1:46:15 2003
Charcters: Sailor Jupiter
Description: I love the colours in this pic of Lita! They're so pretty! Anyways, I used water colours and acrilic paints for this just like the Amy image that goes with this one. This pic is part of four which'll be put together in order to make a cool wallpaper.
Image Properties: 329x371 28.93 kb
Title: Eternal Sailor Jupiter [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Randa-Chan
Uploaded On: Oct 31 1:39:27 2003
Charcters: Sailor Jupiter
Description: This image doesn't actually have lines drawn around it cause I wanted to see the effect but I may change it and put lines on it in future and smarten it up a bit. Hope you all like it cause I do! ^_~
Image Properties: 301x783 19.93 kb
Title: Eternal Sailor Venus [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Randa-Chan
Uploaded On: Oct 31 1:33:21 2003
Charcters: Sailor Venus
Description: I love this pic! It took me ages to do but I did get it finished in the end. As you've probably all noticed, it looks like she's got a board for a chest. A little mistake but I forgot about it and I will fix it up soon so yeah, don't put up reviews telling read more
Image Properties: 367x663 54.72 kb
Title: Sailor V Revealed [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Randa-Chan
Uploaded On: Oct 31 1:25:24 2003
Description: This is the first professional fanart I drew. I've had it for about 18 months and decided that it's about time I put some images up on the internet so here it is. (I love the hair! Don't you? ^_~)
Image Properties: 374x630 37.85 kb
Title: Amy [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Randa-Chan
Uploaded On: Oct 30 23:48:10 2003
Charcters: Sailor Mercury
Description: This image is one of 4 that will become a wallpaper I'm making. Lita's done so keep a lookout for her too! I did this pic in water colours & acrilic paint. I think the hair looks wik! Anyway, hope you like it!
Image Properties: 321x336 25.58 kb
Title: mermaid [ Mythological :: Mermaid/Merfolk ] By: spellhorn
Uploaded On: Oct 30 13:31:25 2003
Description: This is a picture drawn by one of my best friends, sweetkaiser.She gave it to me as a gift and yes I have her permision to post it. Isn't it beautiful ^-^ (*sigh* I wish I could draw like that)REVIEW AND FEED HER EGO!!! (she needs it)
Image Properties: 1107x1545 120.8 kb
Title: Nanasawa Erika (MegaTokyo) as Sailor Jupiter [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Tsumira
Uploaded On: Oct 30 8:56:38 2003
Description: It's fanart of a character from an online comic called MegaTokyo, but the similiarities between her and Sailor Jupiter are close enough to put it up here, especially considering that she IS cosplaying as Jupiter.
Image Properties: 235x411 51.32 kb
Title: Pumpkin Fairy [ Miscellaneous :: Mystical ] By: A-chan
Uploaded On: Oct 30 8:03:41 2003
Description: I'm not dead! This is a pumpkin fairy who lives inside of jack-o-lanterns and makes them light up (like a candle). This was kinda rushed, as I did it all on one night for the Akadot Halloween contest. I hope I win! *doesn't bet on it* ^^;;
Image Properties: 500x625 206.61 kb
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Title: Trip to Haunted Doom House [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Dantegirl
Uploaded On: Oct 30 7:14:00 2003
Charcters: Anzu Mazaki, Honda Hiroto, Jounouchi Katsuya, Kaiba Seto, Tristan, Yugioh
Description: Yugi & the gang decide to go out to trick & treat! From left is Joey. I know it ain't the same dog costume from the cartoon but I was going for the Detective McGruff look. :-p And next is the loveable Kuribo dressed as Michaelangelo from "The Teena read more
Image Properties: 594x450 77.44 kb
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Title: Reflection [ Miscellaneous :: Realism ] By: Shanchan
Uploaded On: Oct 30 6:38:30 2003
Description: This is my failed attempt at a self-portrait. It ended up yucky, so i got out my eraser, changed some things and made her pretty. this picture is dedicated to Cassie Gray, my best friend since first grade.
Image Properties: 400x525 35.21 kb
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Title: Dark angel Sasuke [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Nicole1725
Uploaded On: Oct 30 5:45:24 2003
Charcters: Sasuke, Sasuke Uchiha
Description: Yep another Sasuke oekaki drawn at oekaki central I was suposed to draw a requested Naruto pic but I felt like drawing Sasuke so they will have to wate a little longer for thier pic haha anyways hope ya all like it
Image Properties: 450x450 74.1 kb
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Title: Trick or Treat [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Mieren
Uploaded On: Oct 29 23:19:31 2003
Charcters: Vegeta
Description: I know the image doesn't show much effort in it. It was done as a last second Halloween prank. That and I've always wanted to get Vegeta naked. ^_^ Sorry, but I'm not gonna draw in the fun bits. I hate drawing certain sections of the anatomy. Guess which? read more
Image Properties: 1252x1108 61.88 kb
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Title: Yuber [ Computer/Video Game :: Suikoden Series ] By: kouken_sasarai
Uploaded On: Oct 29 23:10:58 2003
Charcters: Yuber
Description: Another Open Canvas picture. It's a rather young looking yuber... I screwed up on the face and the colouring of his left eye. I was told it's suppose to be gray.
Image Properties: 640x640 48.96 kb
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Title: Luc sketch [ Computer/Video Game :: Suikoden Series ] By: kouken_sasarai
Uploaded On: Oct 29 23:04:59 2003
Charcters: Luc
Description: A quick sketch I did in school of the suikoden 3 Luc.
Image Properties: 444x702 101.62 kb
Title: Luc in Black [ Computer/Video Game :: Suikoden Series ] By: kouken_sasarai
Uploaded On: Oct 29 23:01:40 2003
Charcters: Luc
Description: Just a sudden urge to draw and ink Luc into a black suit. Note that the suit looks big on him. X3 I wanted to keep that kiddy-girly-bod of his intact.
Image Properties: 522x797 87.59 kb
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