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Title: Tidus, full body [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: The Great K.O
Uploaded On: Oct 10 16:19:34 2003
Charcters: Tidus
Description: I love drawing all the detail in his outfit.
Image Properties: 549x895 124.28 kb
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Title: Yugi and "Lucky" [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Daughter of Chaos
Uploaded On: Oct 10 16:13:39 2003
Charcters: Jounouchi Katsuya, Yuugi Mutou
Description: Another fan art for fan fiction. "Paw Prints" by Sekky. In which Joey actually becomes(Dread the thought) a dog! This is a scene where Joey (Dubbed Lucky) attempts to cheer up a depressed Yugi, who believes that the real Joey Wheeler has gone missing!! Fic read more
Image Properties: 597x1018 105.3 kb
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Title: Black Ice Joey [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Daughter of Chaos
Uploaded On: Oct 10 16:02:37 2003
Charcters: Jounouchi Katsuya
Description: Drawn for a fic titled "Fallen Petals". Note the red and black hair dye, black "leather" trench coat and the silver accesories. Mr. Wheeler as a punk/goth rcok star? You best believe it! And if I do say so myself, Joey makes a delightful Gothic Bishie ^_~ read more
Image Properties: 511x1026 87.59 kb
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Title: Ragged Confidence [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Daughter of Chaos
Uploaded On: Oct 10 15:58:32 2003
Charcters: Jounouchi Katsuya
Description: Jou has always had his bishonen side in my eyes with his ever cool confidence.
Image Properties: 216x286 19.61 kb
Title: Yugi Dreaming [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: shadow_of_insanity
Uploaded On: Oct 10 14:29:09 2003
Charcters: Yuugi Mutou
Description: A quick sketch for my friend who has fallen in love with Yugi!!! She is Kai in my Guardian Trilogy, and they are a couple, so that's why he's dreaming of her...^_^ I know she likes it...she wants a colour version to put on her birthday cake!!! HELP!!!
Image Properties: 195x327 13.47 kb
Title: Bel um Fal and Teana [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: shadow_of_insanity
Uploaded On: Oct 10 14:27:07 2003
Charcters: Anzu Mazaki, Yami
Description: Bel um Fal (Yami) and his lover, Teana from Ancient Egypt. This will soon be done in colour rather than pencil...one of my friends was kind enough to take the job for me! ^_^ Ummm...Teana's eyes are a bit off and I cant draw creases yet...Take pity on me!
Image Properties: 337x456 28.06 kb
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Title: Yami/Anzu [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: shadow_of_insanity
Uploaded On: Oct 10 14:23:31 2003
Charcters: Anzu Mazaki, Yami
Description: Ahh...take pity on me, I only have MS Paint and a really old version of PSP. My first computer coloured in piccy! Actually, I'm kinda pleased with how it turned out...^_^ Cuteness!
Image Properties: 338x410 33.76 kb
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Title: Ryoga [ Anime/Manga :: Ranma 1/2 ] By: Shade Menkui
Uploaded On: Oct 10 13:44:31 2003
Description: This is a doodle I did on a piece of computer paper in class. Can you tell I get bored easily >.>;?
Image Properties: 450x672 60.41 kb
Title: Chibi Hiei [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Kurama-no-Tenshi
Uploaded On: Oct 9 14:43:31 2003
Charcters: Jaganshi Hiei
Description: ^ . ^ He's holding a little kurama plooshie!
Image Properties: 448x591 55.69 kb
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Title: Jump!! [ Anime/Manga :: Rurouni Kenshin ] By: Artoki
Uploaded On: Oct 9 12:49:10 2003
Charcters: Sagara Sanosuke
Description: I luv Sagara Sanosuke! But then I luv all the chara's in Rurouni Kenshin TV ... haven't seen the OAV's at time of writing this (and I'm still only about half way through the TV series) , in fact when I drew the pic itself I'd only seen about half a dozen e read more
Image Properties: 366x509 76.75 kb
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Title: The "Training" Room [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Kaden Fukuyama
Uploaded On: Oct 9 10:02:41 2003
Description: This piece took me several days. The full version was too large so that one can be found on my deviant art gallery. http://kadenfukuyama.deviantart.com Made in PS7.
Image Properties: 1019x821 103.78 kb
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Title: Sora [ Computer/Video Game :: Kingdom Hearts ] By: Diablesse
Uploaded On: Oct 9 8:30:15 2003
Charcters: Sora
Description: Oh my God, I haven't posted here in ages. o_o' I had to remove all my old pictures because my account was full! It was horrible. Luckily I saved a couple of the old ones, pfew. Anyway, it's Sora. I like Sora. Riku r0x0r0rx more of course, but Sora is cute read more
Image Properties: 348x757 83.16 kb
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Title: Black and White : RO assassin [ Computer/Video Game :: Ragnarok OnLine ] By: Artoki
Uploaded On: Oct 9 5:13:56 2003
Description: I haven't renewed my RO account this month, I don't think I'll be playing again 'till either November or after Christmas. This is my Loki Assassin, also called Artoki, just sittin' around in the middle of a field (the way you do when you've got 35 mins of read more
Image Properties: 731x650 180.35 kb
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Title: White Sheets [ Anime/Manga :: Hunter X Hunter ] By: Quince
Uploaded On: Oct 9 1:52:12 2003
Charcters: Hisoka
Description: Hisoka and llumi on white sheets... Giving you ideas...? Image done in water color and pencil, do make a comment, it'll be very appreciated...
Image Properties: 798x600 86.93 kb
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Title: Rikku! [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: Jule
Uploaded On: Oct 8 21:35:11 2003
Charcters: Rikku
Description: Been promising my b/f I'd draw him someing for a while. He's a big fan of Rikku, so that's who I drew for him. I thought her FFX-2 outfit would be easier to draw. HA! I do love how this came out. If I ever decide to color it, I'll replace this.
Image Properties: 496x744 65.16 kb
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