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Title: The Elf [ Mythological :: Elf/Elves ] By: VampirePrincess
Uploaded On: Sep 24 14:28:56 2003
Charcters: Half Elf
Description: My Elf drawling I did sometime ago.
Image Properties: 295x400 20 kb
Title: Yunsung Hong [ Computer/Video Game :: Soul Calibur ] By: Lea
Uploaded On: Sep 24 13:12:53 2003
Description: Hee, more SCII fanart, this time of Yunsung, aka "Not-Hwoarang" :3 The costume was really fun to draw :D
Image Properties: 452x402 83.3 kb
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Title: Echidna [ Computer/Video Game :: Rygar: the Legendary Adventure ] By: Lea
Uploaded On: Sep 24 13:00:49 2003
Description: Welp, I know not many people have played the new Rygar, but it's one of my favorite games of all time now *_*; This is a picture of Echidna, one of the villains from the game. She's a very vengeful yet beautiful character. I only wish I had made the pictur read more
Image Properties: 452x402 55.35 kb
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Title: Jill and Sai Saici [ Anime/Manga :: G Gundam ] By: Jiru-chan
Uploaded On: Sep 24 12:13:49 2003
Description: My original character Jill hanging out with Sai. u_u;;; and trust me... I realize his arm looks broken... that wasn't my intent... but this was the first time I drew more than one person in a picture... >_>
Image Properties: 511x544 29.93 kb
Title: Jill [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Jiru-chan
Uploaded On: Sep 24 12:09:44 2003
Description: ^^;;; Tis Jill, My G Gundam character. This was the first drawing I did of her... and my first good drawing over all. ^_^;;; Well... I like it...
Image Properties: 515x718 25.08 kb
Title: Rock Band [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Jiru-chan
Uploaded On: Sep 24 12:04:51 2003
Description: ^_^ This is my G Gundam character, Jill, I made up no da. The other to guys are her crew. (Yuki the blue haired one and Koji is the other one.) Um... yeah I drew them a s a rock band...woot!
Image Properties: 617x837 54.93 kb
Title: Good Morning Riceball [ Anime/Manga :: G Gundam ] By: Jiru-chan
Uploaded On: Sep 24 11:58:07 2003
Description: ^^;;; I was at my friends house... and really bored... so I started drawing chibis... I wasn't sure who to turn it into... so it eventully be came Sai Saici... in pj's... ^_^;;;...
Image Properties: 243x280 9.68 kb
Title: SDG Jill [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Jiru-chan
Uploaded On: Sep 24 11:54:19 2003
Description: Well... It's me no da... I like to try drawing in different styles of anime and was watching t.v. one day... while flipping through the channals I saw the SD Gundam show on cartoon network... So I attempted to draw myself in that style. ^^;;; okay... so I read more
Image Properties: 176x591 11.61 kb
Title: Kaden in Green [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Kaden Fukuyama
Uploaded On: Sep 24 11:32:25 2003
Description: Kaden in her green training suit. Looked to SNK King Of Fighters style of art for the coloring in this piece. Took me over 12 hours.
Image Properties: 479x754 82.94 kb
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Title: frodo finds touble [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: firebird_20
Uploaded On: Sep 24 10:47:55 2003
Charcters: Fred, George
Description: well...fred and george upto their usual silliness. poor frodo.
Image Properties: 865x633 78.91 kb
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Title: lion cub (not disney :D) [ Miscellaneous :: Realism ] By: firebird_20
Uploaded On: Sep 24 10:37:45 2003
Description: a picture from the reader's digest calender used as reference for this one. i took ages trying to get the eyes to look realistic. they looked pretty scary before this. coloured on photoshop again....ummm.. yeah...that's pretty much it.
Image Properties: 656x507 76.94 kb
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Title: juno [ Miscellaneous :: Realism ] By: firebird_20
Uploaded On: Sep 24 10:33:29 2003
Description: this is a picture of my cousin's dog juno. i used her photograph as a reference to draw; and coloured it on photoshop.
Image Properties: 505x611 31.9 kb
Title: Shinji & Kaoru [ Anime/Manga :: Neon Genesis Evangelion ] By: Demona
Uploaded On: Sep 24 6:06:56 2003
Charcters: Kaoru Nagisa, Shinji Ikari
Description: I love that couple =^^=
Image Properties: 429x618 45.96 kb
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Title: Forest Esper [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: chikachu
Uploaded On: Sep 23 21:45:20 2003
Charcters: Terra
Description: just a simple drawing and coloring of Terra Branford... This was featured at RPGamer, so I thought it would be put on display here. Enjoy ^^
Image Properties: 514x675 402.54 kb
Title: Tackle-Glomp [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: ShadeAngel
Uploaded On: Sep 23 18:28:19 2003
Charcters: Draco, Harry Potter
Description: SLASHY-NESS DM/HP Drawn for Trista, a friend of mine, after a strange conversation OL. I've been rather hung up on the fandom, so it was only a matter of time I began to draw for it... Ah yes, done in Open Canvas.
Image Properties: 500x600 31.62 kb
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